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  1. Thanks for the party. Hope you’re having a nice week. I’ve posted the new Homemaking Party for the week and would love to have you link up, if you’d like!

    Mrs. Sarah Coller

  2. Good morning, Katie!! I just wanted to pop back over and say “Thank you” for hosting such a lovely party!! I was so happy to be able to come link up with you this week! I pray all is well, dear friend, and hope you have a wonderful weekend!
    Hugs and Blessings,

  3. Thanks so much for hosting! Looks like it’s going to be another GREAT party! 🙂

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  5. Thank you so much for hosting, Katherine! You are seriously the best online party host I’ve ever seen!! Your graciousness makes me always want to return :).

  6. Thank you so much for hosting, Katherine! You are seriously the best online party host I’ve ever seen!! Your graciousness makes me always want to return :).

  7. Happy Thursday Katherine! Just wanted to say hi and thanks for hosting us. 😀 Have a lovely weekend!

  8. You always have a great party! I wanted to thank you for popping in to Cindy’s blog and your sweet comments on my home tour. They mean so much to mean and I just appreciate it so much.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia 😉

  9. Thanks for your great blog hop…always meet fabulous women!! Have a great day, Katie!! (please pray for Texas today!)

  10. Hello Dear Katherine,
    I love the beautiful visual changes that you are always making on your blog. I envy your talent! Thank you for hosting again this week. Much aloha, Lori

  11. I’m so excited that I was able to jump on board earlier than normal yet again….that’s twice now….I’m on a roll. You are so wonderful for hosting this for all of us to share in each other’s Favorite things each week. Big hugs to you sweet Katherine…xoxo

  12. Hi Katherine, Linking quick before we get on a plan, just had to. Thanks for hosting and for stopping by Flower Power, and now we have another Have a great week,

  13. Hi! Linking up early this week as I have to be out of town tomorrow. I’ve posted the hop on the front page of the Ruby community and will send out a broadcast message in the morning. Also, will have Shar post the link on the Ruby FB page and Google+.

    Which recipes do you suggest I use for the May issue of the Ruby magazine? Anything else? A new banner, giveaway, book review . . . . anything at all, my dear ;o) Talk soon! Much love, N

Love each other as God loves you xo

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