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  1. Pingback: Cleaning BBQ Grill
  2. Pingback: Papi Z Blog Hopping! | The Ranting Papizilla
  3. Hi Katherine
    Thanks or hosting the hop. I started following my Bloglovin,FB and Pinterest but I could not access your Twitter. I will continue to work on the. I read some of your posts and really enjoyed my visit. Hope you will visit me and follow back if you see something of interest to you.

  4. Pingback: Feature Friday – Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop
  5. Hello Katherine and Paige!

    Thanks for hosting another wonderful weekly recipe get-together. I’ve shared one of my most popular recipes and hope your readers will enjoy this lovely lemon cake. Katherine, I would LOVE to co-host with you. Please let me know if you’d like me to do so; it would be an honor!


  6. Woohoo it’s another Friday Eve and I am ready to party! Thanks for being such a graceful hostess, now on my way to meet some guests. HAPPY MOTHER’ S DAY WEEKEND!

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  9. Good morning Katherine, hope your doing well. Thank you for hosting today I always appreciate it! I just want to tell you that your blog is wonderful, you have really made it special. And I am sharing your hop today here is the

  10. Good Morning, Katie!!! I’m so happy to Link up with you this morning,,:) Thanks for hosting. If you want a good laugh, come check out my post this morning!! I linked up with Heather from Stringtown Home on her “Mother’s Day Extravaganza”!! It was pretty fun! I hope you enjoy your weekend!!
    Many Blessing, dear friend!!

  11. Hello Katherine! Thank you for hosting another delightful party! Today I shared Moist & Plummy Carrot Cake Bars (with a little whimsicality mixed in). 😉 They’re also gluten-free, dairy-free, and sugar-free – yay! I hope you have a really special weekend! 🙂

  12. Pingback: Moist & Plummy Carrot Cake Bars (gluten-free + sugar-free + dairy-free)
  13. Pingback: 5 Tips for Eating Well on When You’re on the Go | Calm.Healthy.Sexy.
  14. Hi I am your newest follower! I just started blogging in January, still pretty new to all things blog relatated. So happy I found your Blog Hop!

  15. Thanks for the great party again this week! I am headed over the meet the new blog!

  16. Good morning and Happy Thursday! Linking up and promoting the hop in the Ruby community. Thanks for all you do my dear friend. Don’t forget to send me your new giveaway / banner / recipes / crafts or anything else you want promoted in the June issue of the Ruby magazine. I’ll be working on it over the next couple of weeks, so whenever you have something just send it along. Love to you and your sweet family, Nina

  17. Kathrine I was having trouble linking up so I ended up with two spots on your list please remove the post on number 130 if you have time. I am not sure what happened ? I cant find the type-o- that caused the problem so i just linked up again thanks Jolynn

  18. I just scanned over some great topics for this week…will be headed back to read!! Thanks for hosting, Katie…have a marvelous Mother’s Day Weekend ahead!!

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  20. Hi Katherine! I’m a new follower on your blog. Thanks so much for hosting this link party! So much inspiration. My own blog is pretty new, but I really enjoyed visiting yours. Thank you!

  21. I am so excited to be in the hope this week! I can’t wait to hop to as many blogs as I can. I hope some will make it to mine. I LOVE Chick-Fil-A its one of my fav things and I am giving away 2 coupons for 2 free Chick-Fil-A Salads!

  22. Hi Katherine!! I was able to stay awake long enough to link up tonight :))
    Can’t believe it’s almost already Thursday.
    Thanks for hosting your lovely party as usual 🙂

Love each other as God loves you xo

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