a cutting garden and TFT blog hop

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  1. Katherine, thank you for hosting us. Love a cutting garden theme. My flowers in today’s post are from my garden, but it’s not really a cutting garden. Happy weekend!

  2. The beautiful cut flowers you shared make my heart go pitter patter. My peonies are just beginning to open and I can’t wait to fill our home with the gorgeous blooms. Have a lovely Father’s Day weekend, Katherine. 🙂

  3. I planted quite a few perennials when we moved here so we’d always have flowers. It is a delight to have them pop up every year regardless of how active I feel about gardening.

    Thanks for hosting

  4. Katherine,
    I mentioned you in my latest post…I was going through a Blogging crisis too…..
    My Link Ups for this week’s party are # 29 and 30….
    Thanks again for hosting this lovely party every week! I know how much time and effort goes into doing so and it is greatly appreciated!! Stay safe, healthy and happy!!

  5. thank you so much Katherine! I am thrilled to see my watercolor pink blooms as a feature in your cutting garden theme! Yes, it would be wonderful to have a lush cutting garden, but alas, I can paint flowers much easier that I can grow them! My links this week are #10, 12, 14. Have a lovely week!

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