autumn home basket decor

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  1. Thank you for hosting the party. I love cornucopias. Our links this week are: #227, #228, & #230. Thank you for all of the work you do in hosting the party.

  2. Thank you for hosting. This is what I featured the week of 11-2 to 11-6-2020 on my blog. On Tuesday was How To Cook A Turkey In A Convection Oven. Wednesday was Sam’s Sausage Stuffing. Thursday was Turkey Guide 101. And winding up Thanksgiving Preparations was Thanksgiving Stuffing Cheat Using Stove Top Stuffing. Enjoy!

  3. Katherine,
    My Link Ups for this week are #177, 178 and 179!! I am a little late to the party this week….
    Thanks so much for taking the time to host each week!! It is greatly appreciated!! Stay safe, healthy and happy!!

  4. Katherine, I am delighted to see my cornucopia centerpiece featured with the other seasonal baskets — a lovely compliment! Thank you. Wishing you a most happy and healthy Thanksgiving.

  5. Thank you Katherine! And thank you for featuring my bountiful basket tablescape, I was so proud of myself for filling the basket with things I already had and not shopping 🙂 I know Thanksgiving will be different this year, but I do feel it’s so important to be festive and celebrate in any way we can…my links this week are #28, 30, 31.Have a wonderful week!

Love each other as God loves you xo

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