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  2. Pingback: Worthwhile Weekend Reading and a Couple of Announcements | Calm.Healthy.Sexy.
  3. It’s absolutely perfect; I love it, just the way it is! My payment is ready, and I can’t wait to show it off. Thank you very much, and I wish you happy blogging too!
    You helped to make my blog exactly how I envisioned it, I am sincerely grateful!
    Thank you very much, it looks great, you did awesome and were so easy to work with and super fast!
    You are so talented, thank you! I’ve been singing your praises to anyone who wants a banner.
    I can not believe how amazing you are…I am speech less, thank you so much!
    Oh my gosh – that’s exactly what I wanted!! It’s absolutely perfect and I’m so pleased with how easy, quick, and painless you made this. I hope you don’t mind if I rave about you on my blog..
    I will contact you on future projects. Your work is excellent. Thank you
    Thanks so much – I love it!
    You made my blog special!
    My header is perfect, you rock!
    Thank you. I love the button.
    Can’t wait to get them posted everywhere we go!
    The etsy header you created is more than I ever expected, thank you so much.
    I just saw how great my blog looks now. You did an awesome job. I’m placing your ad button on my blog. Thank you
    It’s beautiful and I am absolutely thrilled with it! Thank you SO much.
    You probably hear this all the time, but I can’t believe how beautiful my blog looks now, thank you a millions times over.
    Thank you Katherine, Absolutely love the designs
    You should have heard my squeals of delight when I received my new header and button, my husband thinks your work is wonderful too. Thank you!
    I’m so happy I can come to you whenever I need a banner ad, I love your work. You are in my “Go To Website” bookmark. Thanks
    My blog looks sop professional now, thank you so much.
    I have no words to express how happy I am with your work, thank you I love it all!
    I’m entirely in your capable hands. Thank you ever so much for your help with this. I really appreciate it. You are amazing!
    Katherine, Thanks again for making me a great button. I appreciate the extra help too.
    Thank you SO much!!! I love it! It’s absolutely perfect.
    Oh my goodness!!!! I LOVE it!!
    I had no idea it would be so gorgeous, I am overwhelmed, it looks amazing.
    You knew just what was needed; you are so talented Katherine, thank you!
    Thank you for setting up my blog and making it look so beautiful!
    Just a quick email again to say that although I posted a little thank you on my new blog I shall be posting again very soon and will put up a little link so people can find you.
    Displaying your art is like getting a new designer dress for my blog!
    I think I’ve told everyone I know about you! Thank you

  4. Your work is just lovely Katherine. I lead workshops on starting blogs, I am going to add this post to my handouts 🙂

  5. Pingback: Cottage Shed
  6. You have a wonderful website! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog – I’m following you on twitter, google+ & “favorited” on Etsy (I couldn’t find a “follow” on your website).
    Thanks again

  7. Thanks Katherine for my blog make over. I just love it. You are amazing, I so appreciate you! xxxoooo

  8. Great! I think it is wonderful when people do what they love! I love your blog, and know you have to be great at this. Thank for the tips.
    Thanks for the Thursday party, too! I am so looking forward to this weeks party!

  9. Great blog ~ loads of blogging info ~ may contact you at some point for a button ~ I am not very good at making them ~ thanks, namaste, ^_^

Love each other as God loves you xo

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