1. Merciful Lord, please guide my little grandson’s doctors as they diagnose his heavy nosebleeds. Please comfort my grandson and calm him when he has an episode. Thank you, Lord. In your name I pray.

  2. For young Joel to be set free from depression and anxiety. He has been so faithful to pray. For a love ❤️ encounter with Jesus for that would be life changing.

    1. My prayer requests that I’m deeply deeply deeply desperately seeking urgently prayers and a powerful MIRACLE BROKETHROUGH for my daughter and I for a TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT for my daughter and I can finally moved into a brand new apartment and location AUGUST going into SEPTEMBER 2024 of this year I’m desperately seeking for God to place his powerful almighty miracle blessings deliverance hands upon a TWO bedroom apartment building without any complications interpretation blocklish during my apartment journey’s together with my daughter Alexsina for god to send the me the right REALTORS AGENTS and LANDLORDS WHO ACCEPT CITYFEPS VOUCHERS PROGRAMS for god to speak through the realtors agents and landlords hearts to accept and approve my cityfheps voucher program to permanently moved into a brand new apartment together with my daughter in a quiet neighborhood in the bronx the suburbs area in the BRONX the sooner the better right away

  3. Dear God please help me to be able to do any and all things without spirit being pulled out. Please deliver me from him. Amen

  4. Pray for help for Dion W, for advancement on his spiritual path, for God’s purpose, and release from Satan. Pray for love and light for Viola B. Set her free from Pauline L, the enemy. Lift up Margaret C to Get more Jesus and be healed and be mentally free from the enemies. Lift up Jhana B to God for health.

  5. Please pray for me. Dear Jesus, please pray for Viola B to sleep better as she has trouble sleeping deeply, i need deep sleep, can I have more deep sleep? i need deep peace, healing for my broken nose. Can I have open doors? Can you Help me be more quiet. Can I have the quiet way, a Christian Path to inner peace? Can you Lift up my deceased cat Kildyboo who needs to rest peacefully in heaven with no pain and suffering. Jhana B needs peace, stability, self care and a job and freedom. Set her free. Lift up and heal Margaret C. Amen. JESUS is a great teacher.

  6. I’m in need of prayer that God will deliver from homelessness, financial lack, that God will provide me with income, fiancial stability, housing, another apartment, stable employment, that God would touch my fiances, free me from this oppression, and hardships, etc.

  7. Thank you, Jesus, for liberating my entire family from every adversary, known and unknown and dispersing them far and wide. We are grateful to our mighty God, under whose watch no weapon aimed at us shall prevail. We are shielded purified by the blood of Jesus. We also trust that God will reunite our family, stronger than ever, right in front of those who sought to tear us apart.

  8. Please pray for Us We Need A Financial Miracle to pay for our Bills & Everyday Living Expenses Thank-you Michael & Family

  9. Pray that God would deliver me from all evil. Pray that God would give me victory over all my enemies and Adversaries. Thanks! Wayne

  10. Dear God, I come to you today with a humble and grateful heart, thanking you for all the blessings you have given me and my girlfriend Morgan. You are the source of our strength, our hope, and our joy. You are the provider of all our needs, and you never fail to fulfill your promises.
    Lord, I ask you to look upon Morgan with your favor and mercy. She is in need of financial assistance to get a loan from her bank. She has been working hard, but she is facing some challenges and difficulties that are beyond her control. She needs your intervention and guidance, Lord, to overcome these obstacles and to achieve her goals.
    Please, Lord, open the doors of opportunity for her, and grant her favor with the bank officials. Please, Lord, touch their hearts and minds, and make them see Morgan as a trustworthy and reliable person. Please, Lord, bless her with the loan she needs, and help her to use it wisely and responsibly.

  11. Dear God, I come to you today with a humble and grateful heart, thanking you for all the blessings you have given me and my girlfriend Morgan. You are the source of our strength, our hope, and our joy. You are the provider of all our needs, and you never fail to fulfill your promises.
    Lord, I ask you to look upon Morgan with your favor and mercy. She is in need of financial assistance to get a loan from her bank. She has been working hard, but she is facing some challenges and difficulties that are beyond her control. She needs your intervention and guidance, Lord, to overcome these obstacles and to achieve her goals.
    Please, Lord, open the doors of opportunity for her, and grant her favor with the bank officials. Please, Lord, touch their hearts and minds, and make them see Morgan as a trustworthy and reliable person. Please, Lord, bless her with the loan she needs, and help her to use it wisely and responsibly.
    Lord, I thank you in advance for answering my prayer. I trust in your goodness and faithfulness. I declare that you are able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us. I praise you and glorify your name, for you are worthy of all honor and glory.
    In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

  12. Dear God, I come to you today with a humble and grateful heart, thanking you for all the blessings you have given me and my girlfriend Morgan. You are the source of our strength, our hope, and our joy. You are the provider of all our needs, and you never fail to fulfill your promises.
    Lord, I ask you to look upon Morgan with your favor and mercy. She is in need of financial assistance to get a loan from her bank. She has been working hard, but she is facing some challenges and difficulties that are beyond her control. She needs your intervention and guidance, Lord, to overcome these obstacles and to achieve her goals.
    Please, Lord, open the doors of opportunity for her, and grant her favor with the bank officials. Please, Lord, touch their hearts and minds, and make them see Morgan as a trustworthy and reliable person. Please, Lord, bless her with the loan she needs, and help her to use it wisely and responsibly.
    Lord, I thank you in advance for answering my prayer. I trust in your goodness and faithfulness. I declare that you are able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us. I praise you and glorify your name, for you are worthy of all honor and glory.
    In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

  13. Pray for my friend Daniel he has experienced heavy attacks from the enemy where he couldn’t speak pray that the blood of Jesus Christ will cover Daniel at all times to protect Daniel from the heavy attacks from the enemy. Thanks! Wayne

  14. Lord, I pray for the successful transfer of a kidney to Eric (good friend Connie’s son) from his wife. Guide the surgeon & all medical staff with this endeavo, so that he can return to a full life with his family.

  15. Please pray for Connor, for his salvation to be secure and for him to seek the Lord with all his heart and find Grace and strength to overcome all sin through the power of the holy spirit.

  16. May you please pray that what’s in the dark will come to light and that God will get the glory out of my life. May also pray that the Lord deliver me out of a situation that I am currently in and restore my life. May you also pray that the Lord will show favor on all of my family members lives and help them in every aspect of their lives. Last but not least may you please pray that the Lord will give me another chance to make a difference in people lives by indwelling me with the Holy Spirit again. May you please plead my case on my behalf. I genuinely and earnestly need and want Jesus in sincerely. Thank you so much. May you please pray that the Lord will step into my situation. I lifted up a prayer that I should not have gotten involved with because it was too intense for me in earnest. I sincerely and desire the Lord with all of my heart in sincerely. May you please lift this up before the Lord on my behalf. Thank you I earnestly and sincerely do appreciate it

  17. Anthony R prayer request ( blessings and covering over my life)

    Ephesians 3:20 “Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us,”
    Isaiah 55:11 KJV
    so shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.
    Malachi 3:10
    King James Version
    10 Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.
    2 Samuel 22:3, 31, KJV
    The God of my rock; in him will I trust: he is my shield, and the horn of my salvation, my high tower, and my refuge, my saviour; thou savest me from violence . . . As for God, his way is perfect; the word of the LORD is tried: he is a buckler to all them that trust in him.”
    Isaiah 45:3
    King James Version
    3 And I will give thee the treasures of darkness, and hidden riches of secret places, that thou mayest know that I, the Lord, which call thee by thy name, am the God of Israel
    Psalm 37:4
    King James Version
    4 Delight thyself also in the Lord: and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.
    Jesus says in Psalm 91:16, “With long life, I will satisfy. you and show you my salvation.” God has called us to. live long and healthy lives!
    Matthew 18:20
    King James Version
    20 For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.
    Deuteronomy 20:1
    When you go to war against your enemies and see horses and chariots and an army greater than yours, do not be afraid of them, because the Lord your God, who brought you up out of Egypt, will be with you.

    new home
    new car
    Long life
    riches & wealth
    Dream career
    Spiritual growth
    prophectic mantle
    Lead millions and thousands to salvation to Christ jesus preaching the gospel.
    Also pray for my friend takita (friend that stay in Tallahassee fl at the
    Maya and sister and family (lake Wales fl)Alissa (lake Wales fl)Alil (Lake Wales fl)Ms. Linda( kerney center)Jessie ( kerney center)
    I need God to move on my behalf because right now and change my life and I ask that you all come into agreement with me.
    Also pray for those in my closest circle aswell
    Psalm 27
    Psalm 37
    Psalms 35:27 the lord has pleasure in the prosperity if his servant
    3 john 2 Beloved I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers
    John 10: 10 I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.
    Duetoronomy 8:18 and you shall remember the lord your god, for it is he who gives you power to get wealth, that he may establish his covenant which he swore to your father’s, as it is this day
    Chronicles 20:15
    Thus says the lord to you ,do not be dismayed because of this great multitude, for the battle is not yours, but gods
    1 peter 2:9Matthew 19:26With men this is impossible, but with god all things are possible
    Nehemiah 2:20The god of heaven himself will prosper us; therefore we his servant will arise and build
    Luke 12:32Do not fear, little flock, for it is your father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom
    Matthew 6:11Give me this day, my daily breadPsalm 1:2-3 Matthew 6:33But seek first the kingdom of god and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.James 1:4,12,17Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.Psalms 46:10Be still, and know that I am godJeremiah 29:11
    For I know the thoughts that I think towards you says the lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hopePsalm 112:1-3Job 22:28 You will also declare a thing, and it will be established for you; so light will shine on your ways.Matthew 7:7Ask, and it shall be given unto you.Isaiah 1:19
    If you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the landPsalm 122:7Peace be within your walls, prosperity within your palaces.Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.Matthew 17:20Hebrews 11:6 But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to god must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligegently seek him.Proverbs 10:221 Timothy 6:10Isaiah 44:3Psalm 24:1Job 41:1

  18. Please help me pray for my mom who is a baptized Christian but has backslid in the last several years which in turn has caused our family to be cursed with the consequences of her bad decisions. Its like being handcuffed to someone evil when your mother acts bad. But she taught us kids about Jesus & that’s why I still think she’s a good mom who has done her job in life since teaching your children the way to get eternal life is all that matters in this life. She’s worth it to me to pray for her

  19. Please pray for my husband James and I (Angela) and our 3 children
    (Russell,Ceaira and Sydney) and Grandchildren (Drevonte and Skylar) to
    be filled with the holy spirit and baptism with fire with evidence of
    tongues. Please pray for us to have divine health mind body soul and
    spirit. Pray that my husband James and I to put the Lord first and
    listen to Jesus. Pray that we would know and fulfil the calling the
    Lord Jesus Christ has placed on our lives.. That the Lord would give
    us peace that surpasses all understanding and richly bless our
    finances and marriage. Pray that the Lord, would bless me and my
    husband’s work. that he would be diligent and prosperous and given
    favor both with the Lord and man. That he would be the head and not
    the tail above and not beneath. Pray that all that was stolen from us
    would be returned 100/1000 fold. That we would lend and not borrow
    Pray for supernatural debt cancellation. That everything we do would
    prosper that we would do great exploits for God kingdom.That the Lord
    would make us rich and add no sorrow. That we would not be appointed
    for the Lords wrath. But escape what is to come and be counted worthy
    to stand be for the Lord Jesus. Pray that he would have a heart of
    gratitude and remove the spirit of apathy,condemnation and
    unforgiveness. Pray that no weapon formed against us would prosper.
    That the Lord would give us wisdom knowledge and discernment to make
    good Godly decisions. Pray that we enter into the Lords rest. Pray
    that the Lord would give us strength to walk into opportunities he
    provides. That the Lord, would infuse our character with the fruits of
    his spirit with courage for daily decisions and heal the past wounds
    of our hearts. Pray the Lord would guide my husband in his diet and
    care for his body to allow him to lose weight and be free from
    gluttony. Pray for my husband as the leader of our home.help my
    husband’s parenting to reflect Jesus Christ to our children. May his
    leadership skills be empowered by the mind of Jesus Christ. Pray the
    Lord would keep us healthy and lead my husbands hand and heart in our
    relationship, his work, our home, community and church. Also please
    pray a guard over our heart, mouth and mind,Jesus. Also to protect us
    from temptation Lastly pray for us to have encouraging and godly
    friendships. Break any soul ties or relationships that are not from
    the Lord. Cast out all foul spirits In Jesus Name Amen

  20. I’m dating a man…He is in his 50’s. He is somewhat lustful and his eyes look they are drinking women in for several minutes. He recently found a 21 year old woman who is has full sleeve arm tattoos attractive, meaning she prob has severe psychological issues and demonic. Meaning he is attracted to deep darkness. She works at the hospital at Starbucks where he works and he is always there. He has rebellion in him and Antichrist and I feel uneasy around him. I want our relationship to work. Please whatever is making me uncomfortable and compels me to text him a lot, can Yahweh himself come fix right now. Please remove his lust/pervesion/darkness. Only Yahweh himself can fix this. It is making me miserable. I need all the warrior angels released and I need total peace. God needs to open his eyes and ears to demonic and scare him right now. My kids, dogs and relationships need psalm 91 protection, psalm 35 victory. Psalm 121 help, psalm 23 provision in all ways every moment of every day in Yeshua’s name.

    also pray over me with Jhon chapter 1:1?
    and unity with the word of God who is most high, almighty
    Thank you so much and God bless

  22. Please pray for my 7week old grandson Malakai leo Makombe,Father God I come before today with a humble heart,Father God please keep your protective hand over Malikai leo Makombe,Father God please bless Malikai with Good health,Father God Keep him out of harm’s way ,protect him from all harm,Father God please keep all sickness and diseases away from him,father God I’m asking this in your Holy name.amen

  23. Please pray husband Felix salvation marriage deliverance from alcohol drugs gambling LORD restore my marriage remove his stoney heart thank you

  24. pray for Joshua he is 14 yr old believer and has Eosinophilic gastritis (EoG) is a rare disease of the stomach. In EoG, a type of white blood cell, called the eosinophil, gathers in large numbers in the stomach thank you he just went to the doctor and he has bleeding in his stomach

  25. I recently fell and hurt my right arm. My elbow, wrist, and forearm are experiencing pain. I have a hard time picking things up with my right hand and it even hurts to turn a doorknob . Pray the Lord heals my arm quickly so I can return to work. We are having a hard time financially and without some type of miracle heading toward bankruptcy. Thank you for your prayers.

  26. I’d like prayer because: Prayers are requested for healing Viola-Cleo B. Healing needs include: depression, sleep disorder, deep sleep, I can’t fall asleep due to hearing voices in my space of awareness, and for a broken nose, needs deep peace, and brainstem healing, and lift up Jhana B and Cordelia V, heal their minds, loneliness, and family tree. Include in the pastor’s daily prayers and on your prayer chain and list for 6 months.

  27. I am a single mom and I need my job back. I know God is the only one who can do it. He has shown me a path unfortunately that path is under attack. I am praying the God returns me to work swiftly. I thank Him for his grace and mercy and all of His provision! Constantly lately satan wants me to feel alone and has been attacking me over and over. I wanted to reach out for help, in Jesus name! Thank you for coming in agreement with me!

  28. Please pray for me to get approved for a 4 bedroom 2 bathroom in Jacksonville fl for me and Leroy to get married this year and raise our children together in a God fearing home

  29. For God to cancel out all of me my children and my families debts on both sides for me to get my driver’s license and a car before march.

  30. May you please pray that the Lord will intervene in every aspect of the situation that I am dealing with right now. May you please pray that the Lord gets involved. Thank you.

  31. Praying the blood of Jesus & Gods divine intervention for Leland’s immediate housing, employment & transportation needs. Praying for his mental & physical health, Gods favor & blessings along with Godly mentors/friends in his life as he aligns with Gods Will.

  32. May you please pray that the Lord will respond favorably to the prayers from my heart. May you please pray that the Lord will intervene in this situation that I have been going through that has been intense.

  33. This prayer is for a friend who needs a financial break; he needs funds to finish a project for which he ran out of money. If my friend doesn’t finish the project, he could be sued; he only has four weeks. So please anyone out there could pray for my friend Michael I would deeply appreciate it. Time is of the essence. Please, Prayer Warriors, pass this prayer along to as many people as possible. Thank you ever so much for your kindness.

  34. Merciful Lord, we come to you today on behalf of your child Judy and her loved ones. We pray you will provide them with success in all that they seek. That they will persevere any hardships and honor You in all that they do. Please let them know You forgive their sins, and accept their repentance through Your love and sacrifice. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

  35. Merciful God our heavenly father, we come to you today on behalf of Your child Cynthia and her family and extended family. You are the highest authority, and there is no spiritual power above You. Please provide their hearts and lives with Your love and safe harbor. They know that by submitting to You, no evil will ever be able to conquer them. Let them trust You fully and let them acknowledge Your messengers as they protect them. Let them stand strong in Your light. Let them all choose your love and guidance and feel your presence.Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

  36. Merciful Lord we come to you today on behalf of your child Viola , she is weary, please give her faith and strength. Please fill any emptiness she feels with Your love, strengthen her in all ways as she battles with health issues and worry. Let her rest and recover knowing You are with her always. Let her feel the warmth of Your love. She asks as well for your child Cordelia, please let her feel Your love and replace her troubles and worry with confidence in knowing that time heals and you are always with her. Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen

  37. Merciful Lord we come to you today on behalf of your child Paul. Please calm his mind and provide reassurance as he lays his burdens of work and worry at your feet. God, we know You accept his burdens and anxious thoughts with Your love, truth and life. You are with him this month, this day and every day, Lord, guard his mind and heart, fill it with heavenly hope as we pray for good news. Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen

  38. Merciful Lord, we come to you today on behalf of your child Monica, who needs a renewal of faith and asks for salvation for her and her loved ones. She asks for Your healing hands to allow her brothers transplant to have a successful result. Please surround her with Your love as she is overwhelmed with so many of life’s difficulties. Let her always keep You first in her heart. With you, there is great hope.
    Jesus said to Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
    “Heal the sick… freely ye have received, freely give.” Saving lives and healing those who are suffering is a gift of love, and donating one’s organs is one way to heal the lives of many others. Matthew 10:8

  39. Merciful Lord we come to you today on behalf of your child Taryn. .Please draw her near to You as she needs Your strength to start anew. Please surround her with Your presence, let her feel Your forgiveness as she lays her burdens at Your feet. She knows Your love and asks You faithfully to bless her spiritually, mentally and physically as she clears her heart and mind of all negativity. Lord You are her refuge, please let her be renewed.
    Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

  40. Merciful Lord we come to you today on behalf of your child Nishah. She desires a loving companion in her life and wants to have a family. If it is Your will, please guide her to the partner You have chosen for her. Please provide her with renewed faith, for a love filled life and family in whatever way You guide her.
    Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen

  41. Loving Heavenly Father, we come to You today to request help for Your child Taryn. Please draw her near to You as she needs Your strength to start anew. Please surround her with Your presence, let her feel Your forgiveness as she lays her burdens of the past at Your feet. Oh God she knows Your love and asks You faithfully to provide her with inner peace. Please bless her spiritually, mentally and physically as she clears her heart and mind of all negativity. Lord You are her refuge, please let her be renewed. Let her release all anger, worries, guilt and frustrations of her past and let her see Your light as she looks to the future with positivity and inner peace.
    Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

  42. Our Father in heaven we come to you today on behalf of Your child Ryan, he asks to grow in faith, to accept You fully as our Lord and Savior and to release tethers from past errors and indiscretions. We pray he will be lifted up and find faith on his journey. Please guide him through spiritual encouragement and let him know Lord that he is forgiven and worthy. His desire to commit fully to faith is in heart hearts. We pray that he will find strength in scripture. We pray he will find exaltation even in everyday things.
    Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen

  43. Merciful Lord we come to You today on behalf of Your child Elizabeth, we ask that You grant her peace of mind and calm her troubled heart. She needs Your healing and protection for upcoming events. Please let her and her loved ones feel your love. Please provide her with strength and clarity, please unburden her of worries.
    Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

  44. Merciful Lord we come to You today on behalf of Your child Joseph. Please bless his wife and their marriage with love, peace and happiness, and let them be faithful in their love and commitment to each other. Both here and in eternity. Heavenly Father, we thank You for all You have done and continue to do in their lives.
    Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

  45. Merciful God, we come to You today to pray for the salvation and faith needed for your child Tina’s husband. We pray you will provide the spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that he may know You and trust in You. Lift his eyes to see You, open his heart to love You and wrap Your arms around him so that he may know Your Love.
    Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

  46. Sally, may the Lord touch your husband and remove the evil and alcohol from his life.
    Derwin, may God unleash his miracles on your friend. If it is not his time, God will heal him completely.
    Elizabeth, our prayers and God’s healing touch are still with you.

  47. Merciful God, we come to You today to pray for Your child Elizabeth, You are everything, loving and merciful. We pray you will send healing to her body,mind and spirit.Please fill her heart with Your love, comfort and grace, so that her body may heal. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

  48. Merciful God,we come to Your in prayer today on behalf of your children Derwin, and Rob and their loved ones. Rob is fighting a battle that may take him from this earth and into Your loving embrace. Please provide Your divine intervention as he battles a cancer that promises only a short time left here. Please touch his heart and life.Bless him and his loved ones with courage and hope, may they all find solace in Your loving embrace. We know you are a miracle worker and we humble ask for Rob’s healing. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

  49. Merciful God, we come to You today to pray for your child Sally. We ask for Your intervention regarding her husband. Please Lord, deliver him from evil. Let him understand that he must put his wife and family above alcohol and worldly desires. Please reveal yourself to him, please help to guide his heart to You. Let him ask for forgiveness from those he has hurt. Draw Stacy and Felix close to You in this troubling time. Please deliver him from the bondage of anger and negativity and any pain it has caused. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

  50. Merciful God,Merciful God, we come to you today to pray for the salvation and faith needed for your child April’s husband. We pray you will provide the spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that he may know You and trust in You. Lift his eyes to see You, open his heart to love You and wrap Your arms around him so that he may know Your Love.
    Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

  51. Merciful God, we come to You today to pray for the salvation and faith needed for Your child Winella’s son in law.Please show him Your love and guide him on the path of righteousness. We pray he will feel Your love and know in his heart the importance of changing his ways and honoring his wife and family. We also pray for the protection of their family.
    Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

  52. Ryan, open up and allow God to fill your heart and accept His gift completely.
    Aunt T, may you realize God did not intend you for that life and seek those who will help not hinder. He wants to keep you safe and free from such abuse. Do not let such people into your life.

  53. Merciful God our heavenly father, we come to you today on behalf of Your child An, who is concerned about Your child, aunt T. Lord, we pray You will encourage her to let the authorities know of her concerns about her aunt’s safety and welfare.
    All praise is Yours, for You have called us to serve You in faith and love everlasting. Bless all who have grown old in your service, and protect those that may be victims of those that may do harm.
    Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

  54. Merciful Lord, we come to You today for your child Ryan. Please help him to find salvation. Please guide him to know Your love fully. Please accept his repentance and let his life be filled with Your love. Let his heart open, and his faith be true. We pray he rests well and wakes in the morning knowing every new day is a fresh start. Let him feel Your love in his life and assure him clear guidance in his life. God our Holy Father I know that you will direct his path and forgive his errors and guide him as the faithful soul he longs to be.Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

  55. Merciful Lord we come to you today on behalf of your child Wayne. He is a man of faith and asks for protection from evil. Please let him feel Your love as he and his loved ones take refuge in Your love and let him know the shield and the horn of salvation.Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

  56. Dear Lord, we come to you today in prayer for your child Maureen who suffers from poor health and needs pain relief. We pray You will aid in her pain and lift her up inspirit and body. We ask that You wrap her in Your love and let her find comfort. Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen

  57. Merciful Lord, we come to you today on behalf of your child Taryn.Please draw her near to You as she needs Your strength to start anew. Please surround her with Your presence, let her feel Your forgiveness as she lays her burdens at Your feet. She knows Your love and asks You faithfully to bless her spiritually, mentally and physically as she clears her heart and mind of all negativity. Lord You are her refuge, please let her be renewed.
    Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

  58. Merciful Lord we come to you today for your child Angie, who asks for comfort, sanctuary and peace in her home and family. She asks for Your direction regarding several matters in her life. We humbly ask You to prepare her for her future endeavors and shine a light on her as she continues forward in love and faith knowing Your love will sustain her. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

  59. Merciful Lord we come to you today on behalf of your child Delores and all of her loved ones.We pray you will protect them, we pray you will help them to raise up Your shield of faith. We trust that You will provide the comfort and safety that they seek and guard them against all evil. Please have the authorities intervene on Your behalf and let Your love give them strength through this ordeal. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

  60. Merciful Lord we come to you today to pray for your child Delbert. He is worried about our world and its conflict. He needs calm from the chaos, he needs You, our Lord and Savior to surround him with your love and comfort and let him know You in his heart and in all that he does and the challenges he faces.Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

  61. Merciful Lord, we come to you today to pray for your child Derrick In his hour of need we humbly ask You to lift him up as he faces various illnesses. Give him the hope and courage he needs to comfort his pain, calm his fears, and surround him with Your love and peace. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

  62. Mike, my prayer is that the Good Lord restore you to the good health that you desire and remove these roadblocks that are keeping you from enjoying a peaceful quality of life. Remember as it says in Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you,” says the LORD . “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.

  63. Phillip, I’m so sorry to hear that you have these concerns for yourself and for your family from the enemies that you mentioned. I will be praying for you all and remember in the Lord’s precious name we have protection against the devices of Satan. In Proverbs 18:10, we read of this security: “The name of the LORD is a strong tower: the righteous run into it, and are safe.”

  64. Ryan and family, I am praying for you to have the strength and the courage to surrender your all to the Lord. When reading your request I thought of the old hymn, “I surrender all,” and I love those lyrics so much. I believe you need to take on the trust of a little child and just believe that you will find rest, peace and joy in the hands of our Father.

  65. Merciful Lord we come to you today on behalf of your child Mike, We ask that you remove from him all forms of sickness and disease. That You restore strength to his body and joy to his spirit. Lord, we ask for his renewed health, through Your Love.Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

  66. Dear Lord our redeemer and protector, we come to you today on behalf of your children Phillip, Kelly Kimberly, Cameron, Dakota, Elijah, Denise and Tim. Asking for them to feel Your Love and Words of protection. We lift them up with scripture, ” Whoever goes to the LORD for safety, whoever remains under the protection of our Lord and can say to him,” Lord, You are my defender and protector.” Psalm 91.You are my God; in you I trust.” We pray these words will give them comfort and the protection they seek. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

  67. Merciful Lord our heavenly Father, we come to you today to help your child Ryan and his family to grow in faith, to accept You fully as our Lord and Savior and to release tethers to any other. We pray they will be lifted up and find faith on their journey. Please guide them through spiritual encouragement and let them know Lord that they are worthy. Their desire to commit fully to faith is in their hearts. We pray that they will find strength in scripture. Proverbs and Psalms can help them find hope even in the most challenging of times. We pray they will find exaltation even in everyday things. Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen

  68. Taryn, I am joining you in prayer to ask the Lord for his help in bringing you the strength that you need to carry on and to feel the peace that brings joy in your life. Remember the verses, Philippians 4:6-7 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

  69. Father, yea missed Wes’ plea. Holy, loving, forgiving Father, would you meet Wes and his wife where they are and, if it be your will, Father, cover their marriage in love and understanding? Would you reveal to Wes, clearly that you are the God of Love and Forgiveness? A love and forgiveness that only You can provide. Give Wes that assurance. I ask in the name of Your Son’s precious name. Amen

  70. Lord, Jesus Christ, Taryn comes before you and us with a very clear and concise desire and need. I beg you, Father, to meet her in this place and show her your loving Grace, that only you can do. For all her faith and desires, Lord, hear our prayers. In Jesus Name. Amen

  71. Wes, I will be praying for you for the Good Lord to give you the strength to resist the schemes of the devil. As the scripture reads, Ephesians 6:11, “Put on the full armor of God, so that you can make your stand against the devil’s schemes.” This is so important because the devil tries to steal our peace and joy and bring doubt and these are lies. We must daily choose to be strong in the Lord.

  72. Our Father in heaven , today we join your child Taryn in prayer. We strengthen her prayer with our never ending faith in you.
    “Please fill Taryn with Your life, love and presence. Please surround her with Your peace. Please help her to see her worthiness in Your eyes.Please heal her from the top of her head to the soles of her feet. Please release her from all vestiges of the past and fill her with optimism for the future. Please free her from the spirit of infirmity and suffering.”Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

  73. Merciful Lord, we come to you today on behalf of your child Wes, who seeks forgiveness for his infidelity. We pray Wes will come to You with a repentant heart. We pray that You will give him the guidance he needs to unravel the web of deceit that is woven through an adulterous relationship and we ask that Your love and grace will touch the hearts of all involved, allowing forgiveness, love and trust again.Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

  74. Shalom, remember the Lord knows the longings and intentions of our hearts before we even ask and He feels our pain. I pray that you and your wife will flee from any temptations that come from the evil one and know that God will strengthen you both and bring peace. You only need to request wisdom and guidance to withstand those lies and instead trust in our Great God who has promised to never leave us or forsake us.

  75. Angie, may the Good Lord be with you daily and give you the strength and peace that you need to face each day in all areas of your life. He has promised to be near to us and to never leave us and we can lean on His promises with confidence.

  76. Merciful Lord, our heavenly Father, we come to you today to by request from your child Shalom.We ask to You to give Shalom’s spouse the ability to live as a holy person. Let her be fully aware of Your amazing love in her life.
    Please help them with their marriage and let them replace anger with faith. Please give them the ability to pause before speaking hurtful words. Remind them that they are precious and loved by You. Through the power of your Holy Spirit please help to reject any sinful nature that wants to be harsh, unkind, proud, brash, right, and impatient.
    Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

  77. Merciful Lord, we come to you today on behalf of your child Angie.She requests Your blessing on all that she is and all that she does. For Angie’s life and the life to come we ask for blessings without end. Through love and faith we know that you will be there for her in all ways and at all times.
    Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

  78. Merciful Lord, we come to you today on behalf of your child Taryn.Please draw her near to You as she needs Your strength to start anew. Please surround her with Your presence, let her feel Your forgiveness as she lays her burdens at Your feet. Oh God she knows Your love and asks You faithfully to bless spiritually, mentally and physically as she clears her heart and mind of all negativity. Lord You are her refuge, please let her be renewed. Let her release all anger, worries, guilt and frustrations of her past and let her see Your light as she looks to the future with positivity and inner peace.
    Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

  79. Sally I’m praying that the Good Lord brings peace and joy back into your family during this time of struggle. God can fix what seems impossible. As Jeremiah 32:17 says, “Ah, Lord God, behold thou hast made the heaven and the earth by thy great power and stretched out arm, and there is nothing too difficult for thee.” We have to remember that God specializes in situations that seem impossible!

  80. Dear Lord, Please answer Sally’s prayers for her husband Felix, that he may have to strength to turn from alcohol and find your everlasting love and grace. All things are posivle in your name.

  81. Dear Lord, we come to you today on behalf of your children Sally and her husband Felix. We ask for your intervention regarding her husband. Please Lord, deliver him from evil. Let him understand that he must put his wife and family above alcohol and worldly desires. Please reveal yourself to him, please help to guide his heart to You. Let him ask for forgiveness from those he has hurt. Draw Stacy and Felix close to You in this troubling time. Please deliver him from the bondage of alcohol and all of the negativity and pain it has caused. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

  82. Merciful Lord, we come to you today to join your child Sasha in prayer for her friend. We look to You with faith filled hearts ans ask You to provide strength and guidance for her friend. Let her feel Your love. Let us lift her up in prayer and place her hand in Yours and let her heart and know that she will be safe in faith through Your love as she meets challenges.
    Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

  83. Merciful Lord, we come to you today to request help for your child Taryn. Please draw her near to You as she needs Your strength to start anew. Please surround her with Your presence, let her feel Your forgiveness as she lays her burdens of the past at Your feet. Oh God she knows Your love and asks You faithfully to provide her with inner peace. Please bless her spiritually, mentally and physically as she clears her heart and mind of all negativity. Lord You are her refuge, please let her be renewed. Let her release all anger, worries, guilt and frustrations of her past and let her see Your light as she looks to the future with positivity and inner peace.
    Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

  84. So sorry to hear that you have these burdens Gina, and praying the Lord will calm your heart today with good news on your precious furry friend. Our pets are family and they bring so much joy to our lives. God bless you!

  85. Heavenly Father, I ask Your divine healing for Gina’s dog and that You arrange her situation as only You can, Father, so they be reunited, easily and without burden. In the name of Your Son’s precious name, Jesus Christ.

  86. Merciful Lord, we come to you today to request help for your child Gina. We ask you to please bless Sage and bring him home in good health and into her loving arms. By the power of Your love, enable this beloved creature to live according to your plan. We also ask that there be no serious financial burden for Gina as she cares for her beloved Sage. We will always be grateful and loving to all of your beautiful creation.
    Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

    1. Dear Lord, Please answer Gina’s prayers. I pray that her sweet dog is restored and that you can send grace and answer Gina’s financial problems. In your name, all things are possible. Amen.

  87. I’m so sorry, anonymous that you are feeling these thoughts and a verse that I feel is a great comfort in our journey through this life is in the book of Jeremiah 29:11 NIV
    For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. May the Good Lord comfort you heart and give you peace.

  88. Anonymous, turn to God and let Him show that your life has great meaning and purpose. He made you for a reason – ask Him to show you that reason and give you strength.

  89. Almighty and merciful God I come to you on behalf of one of your children, Anonymous. He welcomes you into his life and I ask you Lord to please show him there is no human experience that he walks alone and that your love will always reach him.

    Lord, I pray your presence will overwhelm him with your love. That you can bless and guide him as he is struggling with understanding your plan for him. Please help him to trust that you know what he desires, and that you have plans for him to prosper and have hope and a future”.

    Anonymous, the answers you seek are not always displayed in signs, but can be found within. “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a to give you hope”. Jeremiah 29:11.
    Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

    Anonymous, please worship our Lord in faith and make a promise to yourself to use his love to create the life, job, etc. you desire. But, never stop watching for signs He is with you. A rainbow, a bible verse on a greeting card, a warm feeling in your chest, I believe you’ve already experienced signs He is always with you.

  90. Dear Lord. may Alyssa be granted open eyes, and open ears that she may hear when God is speaking and discernment and wisdom to recognize our Father’s voice and a willing heart to obey God quickly when He gives us certain instructions. I ask these things through Jesus Christ, amen

  91. Our loving and gracious God, we come to you today to bless your child Alyssa with your overflowing unconditional love. Please guide her forward and let her be received, offered forgiveness, and given the promise of everlasting life through Your love. Please let her know that You are always with her.
    Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

  92. I just want to express my condolences to the family and friends of Jane M. I’m sure she is leaving a legacy of strength and hope behind for all of us to cherish. I hadn’t watched her on America’s Got Talent, but so many were captured by her sense of humor and wit. She sounds like such a delightful person and will be missed by so many! I will be praying for comfort and peace.

  93. On behalf of Jane Marczewski‘s Family and Friends – Our heavenly Father, God almighty, please comfort Jane’s family and friends while they grieve the loss of their loved one. Please let them find comfort in the promise of heaven, and let them continue onward with fond memories while embracing the philosophy she left behind for all of us. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

  94. Carolyn C, I’m so sorry to hear that you had this fall involving your shoulder area and want you to know that I will be praying for you to recover without needing the extra surgery. Also praying that you have the strength to remain as positive as possible in the days and weeks ahead to allow for the healing of your body, with help from our Gracious Lord. God bless your sweet family as they assist you as well. Take care!

  95. Heavenly Father, prayers for Carolyn this morning that you would give her comfort and peace and restore her health to your perfect plan, that is greater than any of us can imagine. In Your Son’s Blessed name, I pray.

  96. Carolyn, prayers that God places a total healing on you, freeing you from pain and healing your shoulder naturally and quickly. Prayers for your family as they continue to help you.

  97. Almighty and merciful God we humbly request relief and recovery for your child Carolyn C who suffered an injury. Please comfort her with a true sense of patience as she finds physical and emotional relief in Your love. We ask that you restore her health, and enable her relief from her pain and anxiety. Please lift her up and surround her and her family with Your strength and unconditional love.
    Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

  98. Dear Lord, in you kindness I pray for Taylor and the loss of her mother. Please give her strength and your guiding love to turn her grief into warm memories and accept her mother into your heavenly kingdom. Amen.

  99. Taylor, I’m so sorry to hear that you have lost your mother recently. My prayer is that you will sense the Lord’s comfort and love surrounding you and that sweet positive memories will fill your heart and bring the peace that your soul needs to heal.

  100. Dear Lord, please hear my prayer for your child, Taylor. Please shelter her with Your love. Merciful God please provide her weary heart with Your loving comfort, please lift her up as she lay fallen from the sudden loss of her mother. Have her eyes look upward to the promise of heaven and remind her that she is loved. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

  101. Dear Lord, praying for Mike and may the Good Lord give you wisdom on making decisions that will help bring you peace concerning your finances. Gavin, will be praying for positive spiritual strength to fight these negative forces surrounding you and may you feel God’s comfort and protection. I’m praying also for Tiffany and family in their fight against the covid omnicron variant, may the Lord protect you and restore you to good health. Also prayers for Paula that she can get the help she needs in this new clinical trial and see improvement in her current health situation. Requesting all of this in Jesus’ precious name, amen!

  102. Adding my prayers for Mike, may God bring you peace and security. Lord, Jesus show Gavin that nothing is impossible with you and that demons have no hold to those who know Him. Father heal Tiffany and family in the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ. Father God, wrap the warmth of Your Divine Love around Paula and provide for her all that she needs in your perfect plan. In Jesus name I pray.

  103. Gracious God, your child Paula waits to be included in a medical testing group. I pray that You will answer her call to be included. To build up trust in You and Your plan for her. I believe in Your mercy and Your great power, Lord, will you please help to deliver a positive outcome for her participation.
    Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

  104. Tiffany and Family- Merciful God, hear our prayers for comfort of your healing presence, as this beautiful family of your children recovers from the virus quickly.
    Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

  105. Our Father in heaven who is our source of love and comfort everlasting. Today I come before you as your humble servant out of need for your child, Gavin. Please hold his heart and restore any lost faith so that he can know your Glory as he asks for help in his current circumstance. Please let him know that You are always with him. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

    Gavin you are not alone in your fight, we are here for you, we pray for you and keep you in our prayers as you find the light that guides the way to your salvation.

  106. Merciful Lord, our heavenly Father, we come to you today to request financial help and protection for your child Mike. He has fallen victim to a financial scam. Please drive far from him all snares of the enemy; let your holy angels dwell with him to protect him in peace, and let your blessings be upon Mike always. We thank you for your love and protection.
    Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

        1. Merciful God, we come to you today to pray for the salvation and faith needed for your child April’s husband. We pray you will provide the spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that he may know You and trust in You. Lift his eyes to see You, open his heart to love You and wrap Your arms around him so that he may know Your Love.
          Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

Love each other as God loves you xo

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