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  1. Pingback: Gluten-Free Chicken and Pepper Bake w/Avocado, Beans & Lime | Elegantly, Gluten-Free
  2. Pingback: Now They Are Playing | Mitzi Rice Photography
  3. Thanks for the comment on my blog! I’m sorry I’m late to party…it took me a minute to figure out what you meant 🙂 Glad you liked my blog posts and I hope others do as well!
    For those who haven’t read, I linked the shocking response I got from my daughter when asked what she wanted to be when she grew up.


  4. So great to be back here. 🙂 Thank you for always keeping up suck a great blog! 🙂

    Shared of course, though it’s been a tough couple of weeks!

    Have a great weekned! 🙂

  5. Howdy!! Hope you had a wonderful weekend. Just dropping by to say we love your blog and thanks for hosting such a super fun party!!

    Have a fantastic week,
    Sharon, Denise & Aubrie

  6. HAHA I love that song too. Why is that people can dance on the street in a music video and no one even turns around, but if we see someone dancing down the street in real life we laugh and point? 😉 Thanks for hosting!

  7. Hello Katherine! Thank you for hosting this fabulous “Blog Hop”! There are a lot of interesting blogs to check out here. I also love the layout of your blog–quite stylish. Have a great day!

    ~ Vashti

  8. Hi! Thanks for inviting me to join the blog hop. When I clicked on your name on the comment on my post it went to Over 50, Feeling 40 and that is where I posted. Then I realized that there were two blogs! So I am popping over here to say Hi!

  9. Pingback: A Woman’s Heart - Fashion and Fun after Fifty
  10. I like “Happy” even though we still have several inches of snow in our yard — I know it will melt away before too much longer 🙂 Today I’ve linked a recipe for Chicken and Pepper Bake with Avocados, Pintos and Lime (GF, DF). That flavor combination is one of my husband’s favorite things.
    Have a wonderful day —

  11. As always…you are awesome for hosting this every week! Absolutely love the photo!!! The caption is perfect! Happy Thursday my sweet Katherine! Wishing you an amazing rest of the week!

  12. Pingback: Now They Are Playing
  13. Pingback: In the countryside

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