thursday favorite things blog hop 187

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  5. Hi Katherine! Happy Saturday. I know I’m a bit late, but better late than never, right?! 🙂 I hope you are having a wonderful weekend. Thanks so much for your beautiful Party, friend.
    Hugs and Blessings,

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  10. Hello Katherine! I love that door mat. I’ve never seen a door mat like that. I can’t believe the price! Thanks for sharing that. Also, thanks for the awesome party I see many great posts I can’t wait to visit. Cute doggy too! 😀

  11. Your new door mat is SO pretty, Katie. Who would have thought you could find something so attractive at Lowes! Thanks so much for hosting 🙂

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  13. That doormat looks too pretty to step on and get dirty! I really thought it was a stained glass window at first glance. I love Lowe’s for little surprises like that. Thanks to all you gals for hosting us.

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  15. Thanks again for inviting me to your blog hop. It’s such a great opportunity to connect with other interesting bloggers. Love your stained glass door mat. I find it incredible that there are such wonderful products out there and at affordable prices. Hugs, Katherine. Hope you and your family are well.

  16. Love the new door mat. When I first opened the post I thought it was a beautiful stained glass window it looks so nice. And I have to say I love your little Izzy. I have my tow little boys with me all day as I work and I don’t know what I would do with out them. Have a wonderful week!

  17. HI Katherine, how are you? I love your new doormat too and your Izzy looks so sweet next to it. Thanks for hosting the fun party and have a great weekend, Lisa

Love each other as God loves you xo

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