

Hello friends, on the blog today, potatoes! Yes my carb loving friends, potatoes…sigh. Hubby grows Yukon Gold potatoes in the garden, and they make the most delicious side dishes ever. But, truth be told I can eat one as a meal with a little margarine and sauteed mushrooms. (smile) Because we’re not neighbors, l can’t…

funeral potatoes 6 ways katherines corner
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Funeral Potatoes Six Ways

Our recent loss had me reminding my hubby to eat, drink water, rest,etc. Grief and stress have a way of taking away the daily needs our bodies require. It started me thinking about the pot luck style luncheons that often occur between the church service and the grave side service. Or after the service has…

Maple Bacon Scalloped Potatoes for Two

Maple Bacon Scalloped Potatoes For Two

Maple Bacon Scalloped Potatoes for Two I am happy to share a little twist on scalloped potatoes today. Hubby had a big bowl of Yukon Gold potatoes from the garden. He said scalloped potatoes, question …with an eye brow raise, giggle. Never one to disappoint I said maybe some Maple Bacon Scalloped Potatoes for two?…