spring table monday inspirations
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Spring Table Monday Motivations

There was a lot of spring fever at our party last week and these are just a few of the amazing posts shared. You all know how much I enjoy a pretty tablescape, so I’m happy to shine a light  and little spring sunshine on these talented bloggers and their spring Table Monday Motivations. Please…

Put Your Party Hat On TFT
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Put Your Party Hat On TFT

Hello friends, time to Put Your Party Hat On , it’s TFT party day! I’m so happy to have you joining us. I can’t wait to see what you will share this week. Before we party I’m happy to shine the light on a few of our lovely bloggers from last week’s party. Please leave a…

you are loved

You Are Loved

Do you think the ancient Romans who celebrated Christian martyrs named Valentine on February 14th* had any inkling that Valentine’s Day would turn into such a “loved and loathed” holiday? For some of us it’s another day to celebrate our heart’s keeper. But, for others it “can” be a lonely day. I’m here to tell…