Go Outside Monday Inspirations
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Go Outside Monday Inspirations

Monday already? One thing we can all agree on is the season has changed and its time to go outside and enjoy all that the new season has to offer. I spent some time planting and got a little bit of much needed rest. I always enjoy reading your posts and thank you to all who shared…

memorial day monday inspiration
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Memorial Day Monday Inspirations

It’s Memorial Day here in the US, Happy Memorial Day! As I looked back through my previous Memorial Day posts I realized I have shared five Memorial Days with you here at Katherines Corner and before that one at my old site, Go Ask Katie. I have written three Memorial Day Prayers and last year…

A Thursday Party for Blog Writers and Blog Readers

A Thursday Party for Blog Writers and Blog Readers

Welcome to Thursday Favorite Things, a Party for Blog Writers and Blog Readers! When you see this I will be on my way home from a camping trip with my hubby and my brain will need to be re-booted, wink. I hope everyone is having a great week. Every week the best bloggers generously share their posts…

time for thursday favorite things
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Time for Thursday Favorite Things

It’s time for Thursday Favorite Things! A party for blog writers and blog readers.Welcome to Katherines Corner its time for Thursday Favorite Things! I’m enjoying time spent with our grandchildren this week ( they are staying with us while our daughter and son in law are in California).I say it all of the time and…

grow your blog
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Grow Your Blog Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop

Grow Your Blog Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop- Yes at the Thursday Favorite Things blog hop link party you can grow your blog audience and discover other amazing blogs too . There’s one thing that I know for certain and that is that bloggers know how to party! Lets shine the light on a few…