make it monday the best diy,recipe , home decorand inspirational blogs to.inspire your menu, home decor,style and creativity at katherines corner
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Make It Monday Week Ninety Two

Make It Monday Week Ninety Two- Welcome to Make It Monday Week Ninety Two- I hope you all enjoyed a nice Easter weekend. Spring is officially here and we had the egg hunt outside! We were busy having fun and making memories. So photography was an after thought.But our granddaughter took this one with her phone when…

make it monday the best diy,recipe , home decorand inspirational blogs to.inspire your menu, home decor,style and creativity at katherines corner
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Make It Monday Week Eighty Six

Make It Monday Week Eighty Six- Welcome to Make It Monday week Eight Five- I hope you all enjoyed a nice valentine weekend.  I have another Make It Monday filled with inspirations from last weeks Thursday Favorite Things blog hop linky party to share.  I say it every week and it is so true that the…

make it monday the best diy,recipe , home decorand inspirational blogs to.inspire your menu, home decor,style and creativity at katherines corner
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Make It Monday Week Eighty One

Make It Monday Week Eighty One- This Make It Monday Week Eighty One is full of wonderful things to inspire you. But first, did you miss anything at Katherines Corner last week? I started the week with a “what would you do” post and I’d love to read your thoughts. I shared a yummy and so…

make it monday the best diy,recipe , home decorand inspirational blogs to.inspire your menu, home decor,style and creativity at katherines corner
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Make It Monday Week Seventy Six

Make It Monday Week Seventy Six- Welcome to Make It Monday Week Seventy Six.  It’s Thanksgiving week and I’m so excited!!I hope you are all looking forward to a lovely week ahead. Did you have an opportunity to take advantage of the weekend discounts at Katherines Corner shops? You can still use coupon code Nov2015 ( for…

make it monday the best diy,recipe , home decorand inspirational blogs to.inspire your menu, home decor,style and creativity at katherines corner
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Make It Monday Week Seventy Three

Make It Monday Week Seventy Three- Happy Monday wishes sweet bloggy friends.  I hope you all enjoyed a nice weekend. Did you miss anything at Katherines Corner last week? I shared an update about our sweet friend Debi ,please continue to lift her up in prayer . The annual cookie swap linky party started yesterday! I had…

make it monday the best diy,recipe , home decorand inspirational blogs to.inspire your menu, home decor,style and creativity at katherines corner
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Make It Monday Week Seventy Two

Make It Monday Week Seventy Two- Happy Monday wishes sweet bloggy friends.  I hope you all enjoyed a nice weekend. Did you miss anything at Katherines Corner last week?I asked for  prayers for our sweet bloggy friend and part of my blog family, Debi. I announced some exciting news about Katherines Corner Shops and my Autumn…

make it monday the best diy,recipe , home decorand inspirational blogs to.inspire your menu, home decor,style and creativity at katherines corner
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Make It Monday Seventy One

Make It Monday Week Seventy One- It’s time for Make It Monday Week Seventy One. Monday? Already! oh my goodness it arrived so quickly. How did you spend your weekend? Hubby and I did a few things around the house and just enjoyed each other’s company,there may have been napping, and indulging in salty snacks. ( wink)….