Make It Monday week thirty
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Make It Monday Week Thirty

Make It Monday Week Thirty- I am so happy to share that we had a record 411 shared links last week at the Thursday Favorite Things blog hop! Katherines corner readers are the BEST! With Thanksgiving on Thursday and the Christmas count down starting on November 28th I am sure you are all in overdrive right…

make it monday twenty seven
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Make It Monday Week Twenty Seven

   Make It Monday Week Twenty  Seven- I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend! Thank you to all who sent me happy birthday emails, comments and messages on facebook too. I love my bloggy friends ♥ . Katherines Corner readers are the BEST! The winner of the Truist giveaway will be announced soon ( pending…

make it monday week twenty five
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Make It Monday Week Twenty Five

 Make It Monday Week Twenty Five- Happy Monday to all!  Katherines Corner was a flurry of activity this weekend. With the hop and Friday, Saturday and Sunday posts. Did you see the new giveaway? You can enter to win an iphone 6.  Two giveaways going on right now plus a whole bunch more coming up and…

The Scoop

The Scoop

The Scoop What…..two posts in one day that’s okay this one rolls over to tomorrow!  You were probably expecting a “scoop” of ice cream. But I have something I know you will enjoy ( hmm if you recognize that from Rocky and Bullwinkle give yourself applause). I’m happy to be the guest host at Anita’s…

blogging tips

Blogging Tips

Blogging Tips I’m happy to help you to get your blog off to a good start Getting a blog off of the ground can be a slow process. It’s always a good first step to let your friends and family know about your new venture. Sharing yourself, or what you do, in a blog is…