make it monday week twenty nine

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  1. Pingback: Festive Fall Wreath | My Blog
  2. Pingback: Festive Fall Wreath
  3. Thank you, Katherine! I’m playing catch-up this week. Everybody in the house has been sick. It could be because we all froze our tooshies off at the playoff game on Friday night. lol Btw, your button photo doesn’t show up on my blog. xoxo nancy

  4. Every single item featured is awesome!! Pretty sure I could be a taste tester for those chocolate chip bars. Mmm hmm, I’d sign right up for that job, and be happy to do it too. 🙂

  5. Yum, all of the food looks so good to eat 🙂 I really like the pinecone idea, that is simple, but really effective :)) Happy Monday my sweet friend, have a gorgeous week xx

  6. Hi Katie! Yes, I’m getting your emails and responses 🙂 Thanks so much for the feature–a big honor for me; I certainly appreciate it.
    Hope your week is blessed,

Love each other as God loves you xo

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