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  1. That sandwich sounds delicious. I hate I don’t have a green thumb plus it has been so hot here in Texas that everything just burns up. I love basil in soups and sauces and yours looks delicious. Thanks for coming by my blog and following me. Good luck on the giveaway. I’m a new follower.

  2. My Basil plant gets used alot too! We love it!! We just had some tonite on halved grape tomatoes, with a bit of salt, pepper, Olive oil and Balsamic Vinegar. Yum!!

    Jan ♥

  3. I’ve made grilled cheese with basil – yummy! It’s also great to make a simple pizza (margherita)…basil, fresh mozzarella, fresh tomatoes. And then there’s the classic pesto sauce.

  4. I wish I grew some basil! I don’t use much basil in my cooking..I guess it’s because the ones around where I live don’t seem to be that fresh. I think growing it would eliminate that problem!

  5. Your basil looks great. Thank you for all your tips. That is very helpful to me. I know I will try the grilled cheese this way. it is my sons favorite sandwich, so I will try this next time!
    Have a great week end!

  6. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE Basil!!!! even enough to name one of our doggies after it…pops son is basil : ) and this kind of basil : ) LOVE the sandwich and love basil on just about all foods! thanks for sharing your beautiful plants…can you believe it — that is one thing i can grow…THANK GOD because we use so much of it! How is the little pup doing? Sending tons of hugs and love your way and so sorry i have been sparse — i have just been overwhelmed to say the least! love you!

  7. Basil reminds me of big dinners, lots of italian, and just friendships with friends. I am German and still love it, because Italian rest. are always warm and welcoming.

  8. I use Basil in almost everything. My favorite is caprese salad. If you grill veggies and put fresh basil on them, the taste is more amazing as it cooks into the food.

  9. I love basil, I usually make pesto and freeze the pesto to use year around:) I saw a recipe earlier today for basil lemonade. That would be so good to try with your grilled cheese sandwich:) Thank you, my friend, for sharing at Freedom Fridays.

  10. I Love Basil. The aroma is amazing.. I can’t garden due to health issue’s but I was thinking about looking into what herbs and veggies I can possibly grow in pots on my deck..

  11. Hello! I found you on Sassy Sites! Link up party this week, and I loooove basil!! This sandwich looks so yummy and as a vegetarian, I love finding new ways to make grilled cheese. I can’t wait to try this. I grow my own basil, so thanks for all the tips!! Stop by my blog to see other ways I have used might like my caprese bread bites!

  12. My basil in my herb garden is doing wonderful and i usually dry a lot and put is jars for cooking with it in the winter I add it to all my soups

    I just lay it on my cookie trays till it drys up sometimes a week then jar it up

    I love to bring it in like you did and add it to a jar of water the smell is wonderful,
    stay cool we are at 105 today

  13. As a girl Mrs. Shady learned the art (and love) of cooking from her father who owned a restaurant in Baltimore. Today she tends her herb garden and makes liberal use of Basil in her cooking, particularly in pesto and salads as you mentioned. Have a wonderful weekend, dear Katie, and please give Izzy a biscuit from Shady!

  14. I’ve never grown, or even used fresh basil. Other than an occasional onion, or garlic, I don’t use much of anything… but I’m not much of a cook, either. My kids sure are! They didn’t get it from me.

  15. I absolutely loooove Basil, it’s one of my favorite herbs! I try and grow Basil every year but for some reason it keeps dying on me 🙁 I’m really keen to try out your grilled-cheese-recipe this coming weekend for lunch; it looks delicious!! Yummy 🙂
    Wishing you a wonderful weekend ahead

Love each other as God loves you xo

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