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  1. I love your suggestions Katie! Being interested in people or things is a great first step. Thanks for bringing this subject up – it’s a lot more prevalent than we think. ❤️ Happy Thursday to you!

  2. What a thoughtful post to read. Yes, I also often suffer from loneliness. You would think I couldn’t possibly since my mom and dad live in the backyard (in a very nice apartment above our garage). I would get and have a dog in a quick minute, but alas the reason I am often lonely is why I can’t have a dog. Our lifestyle includes so much travel that it is hard to develop friendships and difficult to have a pet. Being a blogger is a great way for me to connect to others, but yes, I would like to have friends to go to lunch with on occasion. HUGS, Chloe

  3. This is such a thoughtful post, Katherine. In the last 10 years I have had three, non-life threatening but ‘stuck at home’ situations and I know what loneliness can do—sometimes, you simply get sick of hearing your own voice (that negative one in your head). I really you appreciate you tackling a serious topic. As we get older, the doctor’s office makes a point of asking if you have been afraid, mistreated, or depressed. I think it should be asked of every individual person, no matter what the age. Smiles, Sandi

  4. Hi Katie, you hit on a really good subject I’m glad you’re talking about it. Since my loss I have been experiencing that loneliness. You are right you have many good suggestions when we’re out and about we can always do I got the conversation it doesn’t matter who it is or where you are there’s always something that you can say. It sure brightens my day to have that bit of conversation and I’m sure it does there’s too! And a pet definitely is very soothing to have by your side I have two kitties they take turns climbing in my lap, they were both adopted. I hope you have a wonderful week, big hugs,

  5. What a great article. It has reminded me to take an hour to write some emails to some friends and relatives of mine who are going thru some tough times with ill relatives taking up a lot of their time – heavy burden, not easily shared
    Sending a tummy rub to Izzy 🙂
    Thanks for the thoughts you have shared

  6. Omg, I couldn’t love the topic of this article more if I tried. I am a very friendly and outgoing person by nature. But working from home can be quite lonely and quiet, too. But I have our sweet dog, Elsa to keep me company. Plus, I go out at least an hour or so daily to run errands and have gotten to know a few of the clerks at my locals stores. I do stop to say hello if it is one of these people that I know and even will talk to others shopping in stores. Just my nature, I suppose. But I just like talking to others and feel that it brightens my day a bit to be nice when I am out and about. Hugs and thanks for sharing here, Katie xoxo <3

  7. Excellent and timely article. In my past life, I was a military brat and a military wife. Whenever we moved to a new location I had to learn to make new friends or simply wither with loneliness. I am by nature an introverted extrovert and sometimes stepping out there to meet and make new friends wasn’t easy but it was ALWAYS worth it. And back then there were no cell phones or computer contacts. You had to actually talk to people. I do speak to the cashiers at the market and the produce guy as well. I take time to hold a sincere conversation with the cleaning crew at the office. I have learned you never know where you find your next good friend. TFS I’m sure this article will touch someone.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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