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  1. Dearest Katherine,
    thank you for sharing such lovely features and for hosting every week your beautiful and inspiring link up party !

    Wishing you the best of weeks
    I’m sending blessings across the many miles

    XOXO Daniela at – My little old world – (Dany)

  2. I found your blog through Fashion Should Be Fun. First, I have to say thank you for your blog link up. That is so creative and thoughtful of you. Next, this is my first time linking up with your Thursday’s Favorite Things. I am looking forward to reading about everyone’s favorite things! Peace!

    Cheryl Tucker

    1. Hello Cheryl, welcome to Katherines Corner! I am so happy to have you joining in the fun. I look forward to more that you will share and to growing our bloggy friendship. Hugs!

Love each other as God loves you xo

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