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  1. Katherine, your blog has a great look to it and it is very use friendly.

    I have seen the red pears but can’t tell you why I haven’t tried them yet; after reading your post I now have to get some. Boy, wee what you have done. No, just kidding – I really do like to try different types of food.

    Thank you for sharing your blog and staying connected.

  2. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a red pear! It looks fantastic and I’m sure it was just filled with tasty sweetness. Big hugs, xoxo

  3. I adore pears and this one looks mighty yummy! I saw a recipe on yummy mummy where she made the pear pie with the whole pear…going to try that some day soon : ) sending you tons of hugs and hope mr. Izzy is having fun…believe it or not it is now snowing in New Jersey!!! I guess when it rains it does pour! hugs!

  4. W
    OW. that is one gorgeous pear. Have never had one nor have I seen any of them in the stores around my area.
    Thanks for sharing. Great photo by the way.
    Looking forward to tomorrow’s hop……….providing I’m not working out in my new rose bed that is. So much to do and so many roses to dig and transplant.
    Until tomorrow; may you have a great and wonderful day.
    Texas – USA

  5. Hi Katy. I’m with the others, in that I have never seen a RED pear before! I’m wondering if it tastes just like a pear. It certainly looks lovely. Your blog is looking very pretty. I’m sorry that I haven’t been over before, but have been on holiday, and then feeling poorly! Anyway, onwards and upwards.

  6. Yes, Katie, I love all types of pears and eat them every day when they’re in season. The one pictured here looks almost too beautiful to eat, doesn’t it? Have a wonderful Wednesday, dear friend!

  7. I have not had one of these in a really long time…..I may have to treat myself next time I am that the grocery store.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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