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  1. Lovely day trip, this is just the sort of thing we love to do. I hope you enjoyed your peaches, they look delicious Katherine. Izzy is a cute as can be, adorable. I hope he enjoyed meeting new trees! 🙂

  2. What a lovely day!! I need to do more things like this 🙂

    Thanks for linking the post up with my NO RULES Weekend Blog Party, and hope your having a good one 🙂


  3. oh what a lovely day! hubby, puppy, bluebird kinda day … sigh. It makes me homesick for where I grew up …. the Pacific Northwest. It is beautiful country, and your trip through Idaho looks like a perfect day — thanks for sharing!

  4. Hi Katie,
    What a beautiful picture of the blue sky. Wow. And I agree with the others that the picture of you and your husbands’ hands is such a lovely photo. You are certainly blessed.
    Have a fantabulous day.

  5. Katherine,

    Sounds like a perfectly wonderful day with bright blue skies for a nice drive. Those peaches look so good! I’m thinking peach cobbler. You have an adorable dog…so sweet! 🙂

    Have a nice weekend. 🙂

  6. Those are great pics. I like the one of you guys holding hands best. 🙂

    We have lotto here, we play from time to time, mostly we use it as a betting tool around the house… as in, ‘wanna bet a lotto ticket?’ 🙂 No losers there if the ‘loser’ buys the spouse a winning ticket, eh? 🙂

    LOVE those peaches!!!!!!!!

  7. Wow Idaho is really beautiful and so were those peaches..Sounds like you had a wonderful day! Oh and Izzy? WAY to cute for words.. What a precious little baby!!

  8. Katherine, that is so sweet! What e beautiful drive it must have been. And wow, wow, wow… those peaches are everywhere!!!! they must have been so tasty! (so jealous). I always endeavor to win the lottery.. then hubby reminds me that i have to actually play to win! lol… 🙂
    Have a great weekend, my dear bloggy friend!

  9. Thank you so much for inviting me over to your Blog Hop! 🙂 I raised my children in Boise Idaho…they still reside there. I was born and raised in Spokane Washington. Just wondering where you were in Idaho? Love that whole area! I love the weather in Arizona but I do miss the lakes, rivers and trees of Washington & Idaho! 🙂 Thanks again ~ Judy

  10. Hi Katie…loved browsing through your beautiful geteaway, with your hubby, and sweet Izzy! I didn’t know that they have a seat belt buckle for little pets, as well. Izzy is so cute, loved the photos, such a peaceful and joyful day. Hope you’ll win on the lottery:D

  11. It looks like you had an absolutley wonderful day! Its good to have a wee vacation day here and there. I’m in an office pool of a couple folks that go in together each week for lotto tickets. Each week we cross our fingers for early retirement :o)
    Have a great day.
    Always, Queenie

  12. What a lovely trip you had, and Izzie looks so cute in the back seat of the car. My goodness me – all those tasty peaches! Love the photo of you and your hubby’s hands.

  13. What a lovely little get away and the weather looked awesome in those photos. Izzy is adorable 🙂
    We have a lottery and I buy tickets every once in while, it is fun to dream!

  14. Looks like a lovely escape. We are still stuck in triple digits! I know it has to end soon but this late summer is really dragging on. As for the lottery, we do have it but I never seem to win.

  15. What a special day! I love little getaways like yours. The photo of yours and hubby’s hands touching. My hubby and I hold hands on the gear shift, if you can imagine. He places his hand on the shift lever and I place my hand on top of his and we intertwine fingers. We both cherish these tiny slices of time together!

  16. thank you for taking me along on the ride. It was fun! This past week here has been blue bird days…….just glorious! We do have a lottery here….a big one and do you know I have never bought a lottery ticket. My husband does but I don’t. Have a wonderful wonderful weekend.

  17. I love this…traveling with your sweetheart and your sweet Izzy.
    I can not drive pass a road side fruit/veggie stand without stopping,I just love ’em.
    Thanks for taking us on this getaway!..I enjoyed the drive,your photo’s took me to Idaho..thanks.

  18. Oh what a lovely getaway! The peaches look fantastic, we missed the season down here by accident (I am still getting used to the Texas growing seasons). I hope you have a lovely weekend. 🙂

  19. You live in a beautiful region of the country, Katie! I’m glad you had a perfect day for your drive to Idaho. Best of all, Izzy is all healed up and didn’t have to wear that pesky cone. What a nice adventure for him! Have a wonderful weekend, dear friend!

  20. Look at all those peaches!

    I don’t know if it was a bluebird day, but the last, short outing hubby took me on to shoot photos, was wonderful. The weather was great and I can’t wait for more great (cooler) weather days!

Love each other as God loves you xo

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