thursday blog hop

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  1. Thanks so much, Katherine, for hosting this fun party! I’m so excited to see all the great Fall decor and crafts in the party.

    Your Idaho get-away looked like lots of fun. I could just smell those peaches!

  2. Thanks for hosting! 🙂

    P.S. Wanna delete entry #182 for me? I accidentally put the link to just my blog and not a specific post. I did add my actual post after that, but I don’t see a way to delete the first one!

  3. Pingback: Thrift Store Meets Versailles @ One Creative Couple
  4. I followed Carol on twitter. 🙂
    I shared a post today called: soar. If you do not know me, I have three grown daughters. The middle one and her sweet family are serving in Vienna, Austria for two years as missionaries. They left in July and then my youngest daughter and her fiance left yesterday…for California. This is what my post is referring to.


  5. Hi This week

    I have got to stop buying things for show & tell !!!LOL I have plenty of treasures to show you without shopping, I need help !! LOL

    I always like coming over to check out what others are showing off

  6. Hi Katherine, happy Thursday to you! Thanks so much for the Blog hop, It’s something I look forward to every week 😉
    I look forward to visiting all the other amazing blogs (bloggers).
    Hugs to you 🙂

Love each other as God loves you xo

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