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  1. What a beautiful picture. Makes me smile looking at it. 🙂 I love geraniums… Just wish they weren’t so stinky! (darn sensitive nose!) thanks for stopping by and wishing hubby a happy bday. You’re so sweet!!! 🙂
    xoxo, Steph

  2. Your photo is beautiful! Love the geraniums in the basket. It gives a vintage-type feel! Thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving such kind words!! Happy to have discovered your blog. 🙂

  3. I love vintage bikes!! And a bike with a basket of flowers is even better :))
    Thanks for asking me if I had posted my giveaway on you win it section. I didn’t know about that and I’m off to do that next. This is only my first true giveaway so I’m still learning :))

    Happy WW!

  4. Great photo Katie,
    I love Autumn and you captured it perfectly with the colors and the basket on the bike. I pinned this one on Pinterest.


Love each other as God loves you xo

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