About Katherine
Welcome to my little corner of blog land. It is a pleasure to have you here. I’m Katherine. I am a Tea Drinker and a Hug Giver. I am an Artist and a Designer. I am a Friend Maker and a Shop Owner. I am also a child of God and a Christian Reverend.. It’s nice to meet you!
I am an open-minded and spiritual person. I strive to always maintain a positive attitude. I greet each new day with grace, dignity, and gratitude. I am perfectly imperfect and I believe love makes a family. I believe there are angels on earth (my Mother is one).

I answer to many names, Angel, honey, and babe to my hubby. I am Mom to our wonderful daughter. I am Grandma to 5 amazing people (age 15-25). I am GG to our great-granddaughter. Katherine or Katie to family and friends. Some know me as Minister or Reverend Katherine. I am also Mama to our sweet fur baby Izzy.
I’m madly in love with my best friend. It is a blessing to be his wife. We have been together for 25 years. We live a quiet life and enjoy simple things. I was born in England and we are currently living in Utah. We can see the beautiful mountains from our kitchen window and the great salt lake from our bedroom window. I hold rare dual citizenship with the UK and the USA and I am a proud citizen of both.
This is Izzy, the official blog dog!

I often receive inquiries about some of my health conditions. I’m sharing a photo and some information with you about a couple of them. Attitude is everything as you can see from my Silly Squishy Smile, lol. You can find more information about Polycythemia vera (PV) at the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. PV is a chronic blood cancer disease, I also have cancer cells in my bone marrow. It is not curable. But, it usually can be managed effectively for long periods of time. I will celebrate 20 years of life through treatments on January 28th, 2025.
PV is one of a related group of blood /bone marrow cancers known as Myeloproliferative Neoplasm. The medical supervision of a PV patient is mandatory. Oncologists and Hematologists treat patients with PV. PV may eventually progress into a form of leukemia known as acute myeloid leukemia. I hope this helped to understand a bit more about PV. If you have PV or love someone who does. I’d love to hear about your experiences.

I suffered a traumatic brain injury as a result of domestic violence (ex-husband). It is the main reason I use my walking stick. As a result, I have MAV “migraine seizures and severe vertigo”. Both are managed by a neurologist. I have one of the very best in the country on my side. He is the head of neurology at the University of Utah.
Okay, that’s enough medical icky stuff. I hope it helps you to know me a bit more. If you have any questions related to my health, I am happy to answer. Please keep in mind that I am not a physician, I am your friend. Please speak with your healthcare professional regarding any symptoms, diagnosis, or health-related things. For a list of trigger foods for MAV seizures please click HERE.
After over 35 years of managing businesses and working for others, my health challenges now keep me at home. But that’s okay because home is my favorite place to be. It gives me the opportunity to pursue the things I love. Creating art and designs for my online shops and sharing things I enjoy with others.
My Shops!

This blog is a labor of love and it is my intention to share all that I can with you. I will always share Encouragement, Inspiration, and Friendship.
One of the nicest compliments I have ever received was during an annual work evaluation. I was told that I treat each person like they are the most important person in the world. I was humbled by these words and they are forever embedded in my heart. I strive to continue to live my life this way. It is my sincere hope that you will leave Katherines Corner feeling encouraged and inspired enough to subscribe and visit often. I treasure every bloggy friendship ♥

Just the Facts-Katherines Corner is user-friendly. Current blog posts are visible on the home page. You can also find them by clicking the blog tab from the top menu. Just click read more to see the full post. Click on the tabs at the top of Katherines Corner for more goodies. You can also click the images in the sidebar. I invite you to leave comments in the area located at the bottom of every post.
There’s a bit more to know please read Family Secrets ♥
My Photography– sometimes I set up a photo shoot. Other times, I just take a quick snapshot. There are no rules for my photography.
Would you like to get in touch with me? Please click the Contact tab at the top of the blog or fill in the form below.

If you still want to learn more, bless your heart, thank you. Check out my likes and dislikes and let’s see how many we have in common xo
Part 2
- I love making memories with my husband, my family, and my friends.
- I enjoy creating recipes, photography, music, art, reading, writing, movies. making memories, blogging, and working from home.
- I always enjoy having friends and family over for a good meal. Food tastes better when it is shared. yes, I am a foodie, giggle. I am an unpretentious cook. I cook and create recipes for food that has easy to follow instructions and just tastes GOOD!
- I’m uncomfortable in heat exceeding 75 degrees and I love the rain. I sing in the car, very loudly!
- It is my goal one day to live in a cottage by the water
- I enjoy bike rides and spontaneous adventures. I love a good road trip!
- I’m a bit superstitious.
- I’m afraid of heights and rodents.
- I believe in Karma. I pray and meditate daily.
- One of my favorite places to visit the US is the Oregon coast. I love the beach. But, I don’t like to swim in the Ocean.
- I enjoy silly humor. But, I don’t like The Three Stooges.
- If I had a Super Power I would want it to be the ability to heal.
- My main guilty pleasure foods are: French fries, plain Lays potato chips, and my almost sugar-free apple pie ( it’s been pinned more than 30,000 times! Wooo Hoo, thank you!
- I sometimes forget where I park my car. I wander around the parking lot for a few minutes until I find it. Update I can no longer drive long distances but I still forget where we park the car, LOL)
- In my pantry, you will always find tea and cheerios. In my fridge, you will always find fresh fruit and vegetables.
- I love dogs and I’m allergic to cats.
- I’m a mush-ball and I love romantic gestures.
- I used to collect angels; I had been collecting them since I was a little girl. I now have more than anyone person should have. I choose a few to display and the rest are packed away.
- I also have a very nice collection of white pitchers.
- I believe every person has a right to be married.
- I have a long list of movies I’ve enjoyed over the years and that list is always growing. But, “The Big Chill” and “The Enchanted Cottage” are always at the top of my list. I love classic films. Unfortunately, I can no longer watch movies at the theaters ( because of my MAV). I wait patiently for their release on DVD or streaming.
- I don’t like the nickname Kathy, although people had called me that up until the ’80s. I prefer my given name Katherine or the nickname Katie. I listen to music every day. My favorite music is Jazz or Classic rock followed closely by everything else.
- I hope one day to learn to play the guitar. I own approximately 900 cd’s and I have more than 100 record albums. Yes, record albums.
- I have been fortunate to travel to many places in our big beautiful world. I have lived in some exotic and unusual places too. I have lived in England, France, Turkey, Puerto Rico, California, Oregon, Washington, and Utah. I hope to visit Vermont in the Autumn one day.
- I cherish my bloggy friendships.
- I believe most people are good. I will talk to anyone, anywhere, at any time, as long as it is welcomed. If I love someone I say “I love you” without hesitation.
- I think a good laugh and a hug every day helps you to live a long happy life.
- I have experienced great pain and sorrow. I have experienced the greatest love and the fullest joys.
- I have Polycythemia Vera. It is chronic blood cancer inside my bone marrow. I have suffered a TBI. I have MAV. I am not defined by my chronic illnesses or their acronyms.
- xo
Comments are the lifeblood of a good blog. I love your comments! I read every single one! I respond to as many comments as possible. Every comment matters, every comment feels like a hug from a friend! I value your time, thank you for sharing your thoughts.
I hope you enjoy your visits to Katherines Corner.
So glad to get to know you Katherine. When I saw you in the chair getting chemo, I realized we have something in common. I am a 34 year cancer survivor. Do not give up hope or prayer.
Hello Myrna, what a joy it is to see a comment on my about page. It is a pleasure to meet you, and congratulations on kicking the c word to the curb (smile).I will look forward to your visits. Sending you hugs and prayers for you to always receive God’s abundant blessings!HUGS!
Katherine, I didn’t know that you weren’t able to drive anymore! I am very sorry for that. You have had MANY challenges, haven’t you?
You are superstitious sometimes, I get it! I don’t ever go under a ladder.
Thank you for sharing so many things with us. You are a very giving woman, warm, loving and kind.
Happy UPCOMING birthday.
Tracey what a lovely comment, thank you so much I feel the hug in your words. Here’s one for you too HUG!
I love the beautiful pics. Was surprised to read about the clairvoyants in your family. Relieved/pleased to learn that you have celebrated more than 17 years of life through treatments.
Thank you so much Natalie, yes there are a few secrets shared with readers who click over to the about page. ( smile) Hugs!
Katherine, I didn’t realize you’re from England! I hope you have the lovely English accent I love to listen to. Our youngest son married a fantastic girl who’s from Australia and I never get tired of listening to her talk. Fortunately, they only live about 40 minutes from us and have our youngest grandson and another on the way. Thank you so very much for hosting the Between The Lines series and for allowing us boomers to shine!
Thank you for sharing about your life, Katherine. I am happy to be included tomorrow in your blog series about women 50 and above. I am so hoping I do my post correctly and add the link properly. I will do my best. Thank you for including me. Kathi
It’s nice to get to know you better, Katherine. I enjoy linking up with you each week. Hope your year is off to a great start!
what a positive,inspiring, uplifting blog!! thank you..I am so glad I found you!!
Thank you Christine, I am so glad you found me too, I look forward to growing our bloggy friendship. Hugs!
Katherine – I found you through Junk Chic Cottage, and have become a subscriber. I am looking forward to being inspired by and learning through your blog! I especially enjoyed your ‘about me profile’ …. all those details give us something to really connect to you with. (I am beginning my white pitcher collection!)
I love that you are open and full of life, I also was born in the 60’s but I could only dream to live by the moutains and I also would love to live in a cottage someday,,
I enjoyed reading about you, and I love your blog. I would love to know more about the white china in the header. I love the silver accents on the cups. Can you let me know what it is? I would appreciate it.
Thank you so much I am so happy to learn you are enjoying your time at Katherines Corner. The teacup is Konigl.pr.tettau from Bavaria Germany with their crest tilted in blue and the gegr.1794. This set was a gift from my Mother. I love the swirl pattern. Hugs!
One thing I learned about you is that you have more than 100 records.
Thank you Katherine for all your great giveaways. I also love visiting you blog.
Denise, thank you so much for being a bloggy friend. Hugs!
That is so cool you enjoy bike rides and spontaneous adventures! I am the same exact way!!
We are two peas in a pod Elizabeth. Hugs!
I learned that you have dual citizenship!
Hello Lyndsey, I do and I am a proud citizen of both. I know I am fortunate. Hugs!
I learned that you don’t like the nickname Kathy, I think Katherine is a beautiful name – why shorten it!
thank you, and thank you for reading my about page xo
Hi Katherine,
You can find me at Kris!
My name is Vesna, and I`m blogger at Home Chic Club. I “find” your blog at Kris. Lovely blog and many things to read and see!
If you like, come, visit my blog (I`m not living you link..
Have a beautiful weekend!
Hello again Vesna, I am so happy we found each other through Kris and I look forward to visiting your lovely blog. Hugs
I am glad to learn that you live in Utah and have dual citizenship in both the great USA and England. Love your blog.
Thank you , yes I am truly fortunate. So happy to have you as a bloggy friend. Hugs!
I didn’t know that you had lived all over the world.
Hi Danielle, yes I have been very fortunate. Now I want to see more of the US. xo
What I learned about you is that you are very caring and welcoming about what you do! I see this in the personal responses to EACH person who has visited your site! Not one blogger I have visited – and the numbers are in the hundreds – has EVER done this! I appreciate and respect you for being so loving!
Kristin , you are a bright light. Thank you for your lovely comment each word wrapped my heart like warm hug. I am grateful to have you as a new bloggy friend. xo
I learned quite a bit about Katherine, including that she was born in the UK in 1960, so she is 5 years younger than me. She has a dual citizenship in USA and UK. She has 1 daughter and 5 grandchildren. She lives in Utah with her husband she calls Sparky and her beloved dog, Izzy. Katherine sound like a great friend and a wonderful woman with a serene and beautiful philosophy about life, love, family and friends.
Deborah, thank you so much for your lovely comment. I appreciate you being a new bloggy friend Hugs!
Love your blog! Makes me happy. Love hearing about your 4 legged child. I have a sweet fur baby, too. His name is Rex. He’s a German Shepherd/Lab mix and he’s 5 years old.
Hello Elizabeth, thank you I am so happy to have you as a bloggy friend. Please give Rex an ear scratch from me Hugs!
Love your blog! It makes me smile and sometimes I laugh out loud! We have a few things in common like the heat thing-just can’t tolerate it, allergy to cats and love dogs and I too think everyone has the right to love and marry. Love the pictures of your fur baby! He is just too cute!
Hello Sherry, we are two peas in a pod! I am so happy to have you as a bloggy friend. Hugs!
Hello Katherine! You have one of the loveliest blogs on the web! And I learned that we share a secret dream – to one day live in a cottage by water
Hello Theresa, I’m so happy to have you as a new bloggy friend. I truly hope we both achieve our dream of a cottage by the water Hugs!
I learned that Katherine was born in England, but currently lives in Utah.
Hi, I found you through someone else’s blog hop. And then I noticed you had a giveaway. You mentioned that we should check out your about page and comment on something we learned about you. Well, you are the mama to a cutie dog named Izzy, and you worked for 30 years in internal medicine and a few other jobs.
I also really like your blog, I was going to do two separate comments but my little boy is starting to fuss so I’ll just mention that now. It’s a very beautifully put together blog and I’ve enjoyed looking through it and will continue to comment on posts that I find absolutely adorable!
Hello Liz, how wonderful, I am so happy you hopped over and I look forward to your visits. Hugs P.S> good luck in the giveaway ( I have a new one every month)
i learned that:>> you have rare dual citizenship with the UK and the USA…..pretty darn nice
Thank you I am very fortunate and proud to be a citizen of both.
You are really allergic to cats? I have 12 right now. I operate a small cat shelter. I couldn’t live without cats in my life. I am getting a puppy from my boss, as an early Christmas present. I’m 60 years old, so I want a dog in my life, before I leave this earth. Kate, A pleasure to meet you.
Hello Faye, yes I really am. I love that you operate a cat shelter. Our fur baby Izzy is such a blessing to us, especially to me as I work from home and he keeps me company. Hugs!
Love your categories, especially the Crafts one.
Hello Anne Marie, I really need to put my crafty hat on and share a few new crafts. Hugs
I learn that katherine is a lover of mountain just like i am.
I believe in Karma too! Also animal lover.
Hello Debbie, yes destiny or fate, following as effect from any cause. Some think it is more an eye for an eye but to me it is always what you put into the world is often times what you get out of it. Hugs and my fur baby Izzy says hello too.
I listen to music every day especially while I quilt – mostly those oldies. (That’s showing my age!) Since quilting is mostly a solitary passion, music brings the sights and sounds of life to my quilting studio.
Hi Sharon! I love having music on in the background when I am in the art room I listen to lyrical songs but when I am writing I usually stick to my smooth jazz music. xo
The difference between anywhere in England and anywhere in Utah is extreme! Was there a huge adjustment period for you? I know you have become very well acquainted with lotions!!!
Yes the difference is dramatic. I hate hot and summers here in UTAH are scorching. The mountains are so beautiful here though. I love the rain and rainy days in England are very common. I wish we had more rain here.
While reading your “About” I learned that your husband has the same nickname as I do: Sparky.
Hello Rita what a fun coincidence. Hugs!
That Katherine holds dual citizenship, born in England on Nov 1st 1960, she came to live in the USA in 1975. I currently live in a Utah.
You like a good road trip!
Loved learning about you, but I must say, you look much too young to be a grandmother of 5!! I guess that’s what being happy and healthy will do for you!
Ah thank you, yes being a Grandma is one of my greatest blessings. Hugs!
While I was reading about you all I could say was wow! You are amazing! You are the person I want to be. Truly amazing!
Thank you for your kind and flattering compliment and for your new bloggy friendship. I am sure you are perfect just the way you are.
stopping by to say Hi and so love the information on your blog as always
Hi Tina! Hugs
Wow! You are truly amazingly! And an inspiration for me. I became disabled after working as a legal assistant (and some political positions) and I have struggled with my disability and depression. There are so many things I wanted to do after I retired, but that all changed after a car accident and it’s been a long road, but I’m getting closer to encouraging myself to do the things I want without guilt- another thing I struggle with even though the accident wasn’t my fault. Just a crazy thing I’ve got stuck in my head. Thanks for the inspiration!
Hello Dale, I am so sorry to learn of your injuries and I am happy to know that you are working more to wards being happy. I know how difficult it can be and encourage you to always look forward. I am so happy to have you as a bloggy friend here at Katherines Corner. I walk with a four legged cane ( I call it my stick) I covered it with crystals.If I’m going to use it everyday it needs to look good, LOL. Your kind comment is a lovely way to start the day. I send big hugs your way and hope to see you visiting again soon.
She is also called Katie.
Nice to have dual citizenship, eh? I live in the Philippines and carry a US passport, often wishing I could have both.
hello Charles, I know I am very fortunate not many people can say they have dual citizenship. Hugs1
How awesome that you can hold a duel citizenship! So interesting! Love your blog!
Thank you so much Ashleigh, I am a proud citizen. I know how fortunate I am and I am grateful. Big Hugs!
I learned that Katherine was born in England and currently lives in Utah. She is the mother of one and a grandmother of five.
Hello Mary, thank you for taking the time to read my about page. I look forward to your visits. Hugs!
I enjoyed reading about you, I too dream of a cottage by a lake. I would also like to see the countryside of England, like the stories of James Harriet.
Thank you Jill I sincerely hope we both achieve our dreams of a cottage by the water. England is beautiful with so many undiscovered green fields and historic castles and buildings you would surely find it resembles the stories of James Herriot.Hugs!
I learned the importance of relaxing and meditating every day. I really appreciate the pointers to keep in mind.
Thank you Jerry, I hope meditation will serve as a valuable tool for releasing stress and encouraging relaxation. Hugs
Hi Kathrine! How cool that you are a dual citizen of both England and the US. I have never been to England, but I have been to other parts of Europe (France and Germany). I would love to travel to England someday.
Hello Emily I hope you will get to extend your travels to England some day. Hugs!!
That would be awesome! Thanks!
Hi Katherine! That is my name too but people call me Katie. I came from the March at Home Giveaway. I learned many things about you but one is that it is your goal to one day live in a cottage by the water. That would be great to live by the water in a cottage.
Hello Katie, I love that we both have the same name. Most people call me Katherine but a lot call me Katie too. I hope you have entered my newest giveaway too, Hugs
i learned you enjoy bike rides and spontaneous adventures. i do too!
Spontaneity often leads to great adventures. Hugs
hi katherine! love your characteristics, they’re so empowering just what i needed.. your life is interesting and you keep friendship bonds to the fullest..
Hello Mae, I’m sorry for the delay in responding. Where does time go? Thank you for taking the time to read my about page. I look forward to more of your visits. Hugs
Hi Katherine, just like Pam V H, I came here via March at Home Giveaway. And one thing that I learned about you (that super interesteing me) is you are married your bestfriend. Wow! (:
Hello FJ, so sorry for the delay in responding. Yes I am very fortunate, and I know it :-). Thank you for your bloggy friendship. Hugs!
Hi, Katherine, I came here from the March at Home giveaway. So, I learned that you are uncomfortable at temperatures above 75. I’m so glad to read that, because that’s how I am too. I live in Florida and sometimes I feel like a wimp for wanting to stay in the air conditioning! Your “About” page is beautifully written and a pleasure to read.
Pam please accept my apology for the delay in responding. Ahh if only the temperatures would have highs of 75, giggle. We have been in triple digits here for weeks. I spend a lot of time inside the house where it is air conditioned, we are not wimps, giggle. We are smart and comfortably cooled and that’s just smart (wink). Thank you for your lovely compliment and I look forward to having you as a bloggy friend. Hugs!
I learned that Katherine was born in England – so was I but in 1949 and I left to live in Canada in 1975 – same year that Katherine left.
Thank you for being a Katherines Corner reader Pauline. Hugs!
Ahhh a fellow Scorpio
(Nov 3, 1963) No wonder I like your blog so much, we have a lot in common 
Hi Mindy! So happy to learn you enjoy your visits to Katherines Corner. We are Scorpios together with our birthday very close, ( except for the year, wink). Hugs!
I also believe that every person has a right to grow up and be married.
Isn’t it wonderful news that the US now believe it too. Hugs!
Yes, I am thrilled with the decision and for my friends that can legally bind their relationship.
Hi Katherine! I learned a lot about you! I love you have dual citizenship. I think that’s neat. You have 5 grandchildren and I think you have a heart of gold and are awesome!
Lisa, bless your heart what a lovely comment. Thank you so much Hugs!
Glad to know someone else loses their car in the parking lot. Last weekend I took my husband’s truck to the grocery store and when I came out I looked and looked for MY car ~ then I remembered …
Oh my goodness I just did that this weekend. I had my husbands car.I try and park in the same area every time I go to the market. I did just that and still was looking for my car, LOL Can I blame menopause? xo
I love your blog! Your recipes are phenomenal. I must point out a typo; you have your birth year as 1960…there’s NO WAY you are 55!!! Is it the healthy Utah air?
LOL, thank you for the compliment, you made me smile. I think it may be the healthy diet and my genes, LOL. Hugs!
Lives IN Utah and has a beautiful view
Hello Debbie, I hope you have a lovely view from your home too. Hugs
That is so cool that you have dual citizenship!
Thank you for taking the time to visit. Hugs!
It was so interesting reading your “About” We have a lot in common, a few of which are I sing in the car loudly, I believe every person has a right to be married, I wander around parking lots trying to find my car, and I LOVE the Oregon coast (especially Seaside). Love your blog.
Rita, thank you so much. How wonderful that we have some things in common. We stayed in a lovely place in Seaside. It was a lot of fun. Our favorite spots were closer to Canon beach though, did you get a chance to visit Canon beach? They have some wonderful artists shops there. Especially the glass blowing. Hugs!
Hi Katherine,
You sure have a nice selection of products, knowledge and crafts. Your blog is very calming too, colors and teacups to boot!
See you in my email!
Tracy thank you so much for being a bloggy friend, I look forward to your visits. Hugs!
you’re a cool mom! such a cool person. I wish I could meet you someday
Thank you so much, I look forward to your visits here at Katherines Corner
Hi Katie, well I learned that you are a sister scorpio. I’m exactly 1 year and 5 days older than you. I also learned that you are the lucky grandma of 5 grandkids! Wow, I don’t have any yet. I also learned that you look too young to be a grandma. You must share your beauty secrets.
Hello Trish, you are so kind, thank you. No secrets, giggle. I do drink a lot of water, I have a rather restricted diet, I never sleep wearing makeup and I moisturize,moisturize moisturize :-). Hugs!
I learned that you are a mom and a grandmother and that you care about people. And I think you have a very nice blog.
Sweet Denise I am grateful for our bloggy friendship. xo
I’ve enjoyed learning about your life, and the photo of your dog is very cute
Thank you so much, I am happy to share. We do love our sweet fur baby Izzy, he is a joy. Hugs!
Thank you for letting me joined mail listed.
I look forward to your visits, thank you for subscribing xo
I’m glad I visited your About page and learned more about you. I too was born outside the US. I was born and raised in Panama, Central America and like you I came to the US in 1975. My hubby was a good friend for a few years before we married. So we both have our hubby as a best friend.
I can’t believe you want to live on the water?! I have dreamed of living in a cute little house boat. All my friends know this about me and when I started dating my hubby he had to agree to live with me there when that dream comes true.
Hello Elena, how wonderful, we do have quite a few things in common.I look forward to getting to know you. I pray your dream to live by the water comes true. Hugs!
I just found your blog. I loved reading your ‘about Katherine.’ It’s always great to read and get to know the person behind the blog. Glad I took the time to read it and I plan on coming back and reading more.of your articles. Thank you!
Thank you so much for taking the time to read it. I look forward to our bloggy friendship. Hugs!
Love your blog!! It is one of my favorites!
Sherry it means so much to be on your favorites list. Thank you so much. Hugs!
I didn’t know that you have a dual citizenship. You don’t type with an accent………LOL! Love your blogs. Pet Izzy for me.
Thank you for your bloggy friendship.I loved your comment it made me smile HUGE. Izzy says thanks for thinking of him. Cheers ( I typed that one with a British twist) giggle. xo
I’ve learned that Katherine is a child of God.
Hello Betty I know it is a profound statement but it is my truth. Hugs
I love that your husband’s nickname is Sparky! And you really need to do a post about your white pitchers – I have a thing for white pitchers!
I will post about the white pitchers my friend. I would love to see yours too. Hugs
You are so lucky! A view of the mountains as well as water views? WOW!
I am fortunate. Thank you for taking the time to read my about page xo
Love your history! Where in CA did you live? Thank you for hosting the fun blog hop! Have a wonderful day.
Hi Holly, I lived in Ventura xo
Hi Katherine! It is so nice reading all about you. I love visiting your blog and participating in the ‘Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop’.
Thank you so much my friend. It is a joy to have you share at the hop. I always enjoy my visits to your blog xo
Do you ever visit England now a days?
Hi sweetie, sorry I missed your comment. I haven’t been back since 1975. But one by one our family eventually makes it to the US for a visit which is wonderful. My Mother went back a couple of years a go though. Hugs!
Katherine – I enjoyed reading and learning more about you. I love your bike! I have a blue Electra 3 speed bike I bought about 6 years ago that has a basket and a bike rack and yours reminds me of mine – about the same color blue, too. I enjoy riding my bike for exercise a few times a week early in the morning through our neighborhood and to the store about once a week for a few groceries. You dog is adorable! Thanks for sharing all about yourself and for hosting the weekly link party. I know I don’t always visit the link up each week but I try when I can.
Hello Kimberlee, sorry for the delay in replying, sometimes I just can’t seem to have enough hours in the day.You bike sounds terrific.I love riding early in the mornings , riding along listening to the birds. I always enjoy having you join in the weekly party too. Hugs ! P.S. Thank you Izzy is my sweet fur baby ♥
Love this Katherine! What a great way to learn about you. Thank you for sharing! I better start watermarking my pictures as well…
Thank you, yes it was a tough lesson to learn. Hugs
I have enjoyed reading all about you. You are one of the sweetest friends I have made through blogging. Your annual reviewer was correct! I hope you have a great evening and weekend. XO, Pinky
Pinky you are such a doll, it is a blessing to have you as a bloggy friend xo ♥
I am. a classic movie fan – and the Enchanted Cottage is, well, simply enchanting. That would be a wonderful movie to talk about God and how He sees us:) You are beautiful, inside and out!
Thank you so much for your lovely comment. I am so sorry I am just now finding this. Sending hugs your way!
Terrific party today as always. LOVE the picture of you! A beauty from the get-go. Appreciate your site and all the great ideas. Carrie, A Mother’s Shadow
Hi Carrie, so sorry I missed your comment. Thank you for your sweet compliment. I am happy to be your bloggy friend xo
I love your blog so much because you are so Loving, Inspirational and Encouraging. I wanted to join in on the Favorite Things Blog Hop but unfortunately, I have to make a very pain filled trip to Virginia Mason the see my Gastro Doctor. I think I may have to go back on Antibiotics and a Steroid as my Ulcer in my colon has not healed yet.
Another reason I love your blog so much is that you remind me of a great friend here in Eburg named Marty Hazelwood. You both are just so beautiful inside and out {{{hugz}}}
thinking of you and sending hugs your way. So happy to see you blogging again.
I’ve always loved coming to visit your site. You make your visitors feel like friends.
Thank you sweet Sam, please forgive my delay in thanking you. I just saw your sweet comment. Big hugs and see you at the hop xp
Your site is lovely and I’m so happy you stopped by mine so I could meet you!
Thank you so much Shannon. I enjoyed my visit to yours too. Please forgive the delay in my response sending hugs your way!
Ok. First of all I’m so loving your blog, I love bacon too – and I’m so impressed with the fact that you learned to play the guitar. AND I call my husband Sparky too!!! I started that the first time we took the kids to Disney because he’s SUCH a Sparky when we travel. xoxo
Hi Shea, hanging my head low, so sorry I missed your sweet comment. How wonderful that we both have Sparky’s in our lives. xo
What a fabulous blog! Just found you through Bloggers Network and a comment on someone else’s blog. I am inspired to improve my own blog after looking at yours!
Thank you Claire ,I am so sorry I missed this sweet comment, Your blog is lovely. I hope you will join us for the Thursday hop. Hugs!
Hi Katherine! Wow! I love your blog it is full of interesting topics. Thanks :)! I must visit your blog more often.
Merry Christmas 
Hello Kathy Lynn, please accept my apology for missing your comment. I hope the holidays were good to you and that you are enjoying a positive new year. Hugs
I will have to come back and read all of the about you. smiles. thanks for having us here on your blog every week.
Hi Amanda, I look forward to your posts. Hugs
Visiting you through the Blog Hop. I am already a follower. I love your work. Thank you for co-hosting the hop. I am as always having a great time.
my sincere apology for missing your sweet comment. I hope you will continue to join us at the hop. xo
I see we have a few things in common. I’m glad I watermark my photos (even though they aren’t great) because I found several on another blog! Why don’t people ask permission? It’s a rhetorical question
Have a blessed Sabbath!
Hello Anne, I apology for the terrible delay in responding to your sweet comment.I know how that sinking feeling so well. Big Hugs!
Glad to know about you through the blog hop.Joined through the bloglovin and hope to read future posts.Have a Great Day!
Hello Amy, so happy to have you join in the fun. Hugs!
I love the look of your page, Katie!
Danie Marie
thank you so much xo
Hi! I am a new subscriber, and I am in awe of your blog. I can’t describe the feeling i got as I meandered through. So calm and peaceful, not like a busy freeway. I smiled the whole time. lol. I would really like to meet you in real life, but since that isn’t an option, I will remain happily following your written word. Just from what I read in some of the comments, we seem to have a couple of things in common. I realize how busy you must be. I don’t know how you manage. You have my email, and are welcome to email me anytime you have a chance. Maybe we can have some hot tea, scones and fancy sandwiches as we talk? Nice to meet you.
Your Sister in Christ, Pam
Pam your comment wraps me like a warm hug. Thank you and tea and scones sound lovely. xo
Thanks so much for connecting with me today Katherine! You are so inspiring! I feel like we’ve been friends forever and a day
– Hugs right back at ya!
Tina I send big hugs your way. Thank you for your bloggy friendship
Finally discovered how to get a comment to you. I don’t know how you do all these cyber things and keep up with daily life:):)
A question: today I finally got to the clog hop code. Are all the participant pics supposed to appear in my post? Am afraid my photographic friends will run away, so I’ll put it on only till 1 pm.
Happy Thursday!
Thank you so much for sharing the blog hop on your page. I can send you a code that doesn’t have photos. xo
I think this is my first time on the blog hop. Gotta hop to another blog now…see you.
happy to have you hop over. Hugs
Was wonderful reading about ya!
thank you for taking the time to visit my about page xo
Lovely to get to know you a t bit better – I’m with you – I’m all for CDs and albums still! I think I may be one of the few people left who don’t own an ipod!
There nothing better than the sound of vinyl xo
I have read your page before, but I’m happy to reacquaint. Having so many facets, I know your readers find lots with which to connect.
thank you for visiting again xo
Great post, so nice to know more about you. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
the pleasure is mine Hugs and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
Hi there! I found you through Cyndi at Pictimilitude. What a beautiful blog you have! Cyndi is awesome and so since she said you were awesome, I will trust her judgment.
welcome I think you and she are awesome too ♥
Look at all of those great places you have visited! Oh the faaantastic stories you must be able to tell!! I love all of the great tidbits, and you do kind of look like Kate Middleton (like someone noted in a comment above me).
I didn’t know you contributed to a magazine. You’re just full of happy surprises.
You are such a sweetie. Yes I spin a lot of plates.The Kate Middleton compliments are quite a lovely surprise. xo
This just occured to me as I looked at your picture, you share the same, country of birth, name, hair colour and smile with Kate Middleton. Any relation? (-:
Oh my I wish, giggle xo
Hi Katie, long time, huh? very happy for you. Check out the Halloween Golf if you have the time. It was great fun.
thank you for adding your creative post to the blog hop this week. Hugs
With the number of links you have, it’s a wonder you get around to so many. I, for one, greatly appreciate your effort.
Linda, thank you it is lovely having so many wonderful bloggers share their posts at the Thursday Favorite Things hop. I always do my very best to visit each and every link. It takes several hours but it is time well spent xo
Dear Katherine, I am glad that you are feeling better from your fall. I hope that you are good as new in no time!
This sprite is adorable.
Blessings dear. Catherine xo
thank you my friend. big hugs!
For those who read this it is in response to a post I wrote
Katherine, love your blog and your name. The protagonist in my novel to be published is called Katherine with a C. What I like about your website is that it reminds me of my home economic days. I got a Bachelor’s degree in that, eons ago, and at that time, we studied food, nutrition, child care, psychology, family finance, etc. It seems you have a smattering of it all here. I’m looking forward to getting your posts. And thanks for visiting my blog. I wouldn’t have known about you otherwise. And thanks for the congratulations. Hugs back.
More hugs!!!
Hi, Katherine I’m participating in your bloghop first time. You have a lovely blog and somehow in the shuffle I had forgotten about it. Glad to have rediscovered it!! I already follow Susan’s lovely blog. Have a great week!
So happy to have you join in the fun Welcome back xo
Hi Katherine
I’m participating in the blog hop this thursday, and I wanted to let you know that I checked out your blog and its great! I think its very sweet. I have my own blog called WTFab!, and its all about fashion, fun, and being fabulous. I would love if you would check it out, and we could potentially follow each other. Let me know what you think.
Thank you so much I look forward to sharing with you. Hugs
The ability to heal would be a GREAT super power!!
I loved reading your bio. Your kindness and sincerity shows through in every single thing you write. On a side note, I have added your button and your blog-hop button both to my blog. I hope tons of even more people find you soon!
I appreciate your wonderful bloggy friendship. Thank you soooo much xo
I loved learning a little bit about you and your life.
Happy to share xo
Katherine, you are one awesome lady! We share some of the same interests! I’m a big Do Unto Others person. Have a great Thursday!
JoAnn thank you for your sweet words and bloggy friendship xo
You really inspire me, thank you so much! I am now following you on Pinterest!
Thank you for your kind comment and bloggy friendship. Hugs
Oh my friend! I am so sorry that bullying was a part of your life. I am sending hugs and prayers to your grand daughter and sure hope that things go better for her soon! What a horror that is! I have not experienced it first hand but my husband Joe had a horrible time for the first 22 years of his life — he suffered from tourette syndrome without a diagnosis and you can just begin to imagine the horrors he experienced and by the by the way — much of it from GROWN-UPS!!!! Thank God we had it diagnosed and he is on meds and you would not know that he has it but he lived a hell and I am so sorry that you went through…oh and by the way…he also got bullied and made fun of in Church! (can you believe that!) Sending hugs to you my friend and if any one bothers you…you call me : ) Love you!!!
thank you my friend. xo
This was such a good idea to include the link to your blog info. I loved reading more about you. What an interesting life you’ve led…and how talented you are! Thanks for this wonderful party!
Thank you for taking the time to read it. Thank you for your bloggy friendship an participation in the weekly hop. xo
Hello Katie, hope your sweet Izzy is feeling better. Love the comments you made above and I feel like your a friend because I hold those same values and beliefs. My little dog Hugs sends wagging tail get well wishes to Izzy.
Love and prayers
I send you hugs and thank you for your sweet bloggy friendship xo
Thank you for joining me! You have a wonderful blog! I’m a new follower!
McGuffy’s Reader
Welcome. Hugs!
oh SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO yummy in my tummy!!!! thanks for sharing — now i MUST make some today!!!!!! : ) when we were in NY — there was a cool little shop called creamy rice — they served NOTHING but rice pudding in 20 different varieties that changes daily! AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hugs…
I think you will love it my friend. That shop sounds wonderful. xoxo
For those reading this this comment is in reference to /meals-on-monday-rice-pudding/
Hi, Katherine~
Just found you and am so honored to have found you. Love your site and all the beauty you have surrounded yourself and your visitors in. You seem to be so hapily involved in life and living. Thank you for being there and I will visit you often for comfort and joy! Thank you!!
Your words touch my heart. I thank you for your kindness and your bloggy friendship xo
Finding people with positive attitudes is a gift. You certainly fall into that category!
Thank you for your sweet words. Your friendship is a gift xo
I love your picture of the tulips. Yes, we have had some beautiful weather this week, up in the high 60s and sunny. Then, rain today, but at least the temps are still in the 50s and no snow! Our trees are leafing out and the song birds have returned. Springis truly in the air.
Thank you my friend. xo
For those reading this it is reference to first-day-of-spring/
hi there my friend! this is a dish that gets served in my house a lot!!! i think it could be one of hubbies favorites! the only difference is that we are addicted to garlic in this house so the amount of cloves is more like …are you ready? 10 : ) LOL!!!! lots of mouthwash on hand : ) sending you tons of hugs and love!!!
I love garlic, if everyone eats it no mouthwash need, giggle. xo
For those reading this it is in reference to monday-pasta-parmesan
What a great blog this is–I felt all warm and fuzzy like I was the one making cookies at grandma’s house! I am happy to be a follower from the blog hop and I hope that my sarcasm and cynicism don’t scare you away from following ME at
I enjoy my visits to your blog too. What a lovely compliment. thank you and big hugs..here’s a cookie
You have a lovely blog! I am super excited to be the 200th blog on your list, and thank you for creating that. Happy Thursday!
I am happy to have you join in the fun. I send you hugs xo
Thanks for visiting my blog today, I am really enjoying getting to “know” you a little better, your blog is fantastic. xxx
Hi Angela I look forward to reading your book and I enjoy my visits to your blog too. Hugs
Just stopping by to say Hi. I am following you as Kathy Bradshaw. I own the growing blog Southern Made In The Shade which less than a year old. I have fun with giveaways, recipes, DIY projects, reviews, and hearing from my readers.
Come visit some time!
Hi Kathy thank you for taking the time to read my about page. I enjoy my visits to your blog. Hugs!
Dear Katherine,
I love your blog and love of the idea of Thursdays Favorite Things hop. I am a new follower. I will return often to visit. God bless you and have a wonderful Thursday!
Thank you Anne, Thursday Favorite Things is quickly becoming one of my favorite things, LoL xo
LOVE your blog – love that mug too!
new follower here from blog hop
Hi Kim, thank you, I’m so happy you are enjoying your time spent at Katherines Corner. Hugs!
Hello Katherine, wow I love your website so many great things and info here I have to stop more often and look around.
in good health,
I look forward to sharing with you. Hugs!
I have visited your corner often but never read your “about”. I’m so glad I decided to. I love how open you are with you feelings and how passionate you are about the things you love. You warm my heart just reading about you! Thanks for being such a bright light in this world!
Melanie I always appreciate your visits and your comments too. I am honored to have a place on your blog roll (sidebar) and touched by your kind words. Hugs♥
Hi thanks for visiting my blog and leaving me the comment about Peeps. I have to say I laughed over your husband eating them after they get really hard. ewwww. lol
So basically he eats stale Peeps. To funny!
Yep, like concrete, giggle
That is too funny! When I was younger you could only buy Peeps at Easter time. I was totally addicted to Peeps and would buy out all the Peeps the day after Easter so I could savor my adiction for a little longer. That’s the part where I started to love “stale” Peeps. They would harden after a while in the cardboard even though they were covered in cellophane. Yes, I purchased a lot of Peeps. I discovered I liked them “stale” vs. fresh. So after that revelation as soon as I purchased them, I’d go home and cut little slit in the cellophane. Voila! In a day or two I could eat “stale” Peeps.