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  1. What an amazing journey Katherine. You truly are an inspiration and I am touched by your resilience and positivity. You are in my prayers and hoping for advancements with a cure. . XO- MaryJo

  2. Katherine, you have such an amazing outlook and attitude; one only given by the Lord Himself. I know there are so many of us bloggers that deal with serious health concerns and I appreciate knowing of your illness so we can all pray for each other. Our families definitely help to get us through the ups and downs in our daily lives. Sending a big hug and blessings, and know you’ll be in my prayers. xo Deb

    1. Deb, thank you for your beautiful comment and for adding me to your prayers. Sending you a big hug and letting you know you and my bloggy friends are in my prayers every day too xo

  3. Prayers for continued life sustaining treatment for your cancer, Katherine . I hope one day a cure will be discovered. You are an inspiration!.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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