make the days count

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  1. I clicked into this pretty picture and I’m glad I did, because I’m saying a prayer for your loved one. I hope she comes out of this perfectly, and help for you to get through this.

  2. I’m adding you, your daughter and all your family to my prayer list. My dad had a pituitary tumor at age 40 and lived 40 full and wonderful years after surgery. I wish the same for your beautiful girl. xoxo

  3. Katie, I’m so sorry to hear all you and your family are going through. Special prayers for your daughter. Please keep us posted on her and what the tests and doctors can do for her.

  4. Katherine, sending up prayers for your dear daughter. Our daughter had a brain tumor in high school and successfully recovered and has been a paramedic now for almost 15 years. We had so many churches and others praying for her and the power of prayer is wonderful. I too can relate with all the autoimmune problems as I have Systemic Lupus and Fibromyalgia. Sending lots of love and prayers your way.

    xo Dianne

    1. Dianne, thank you for your kindness and I am over the moon happy to learn about your daughter overcoming and succeeding. I’m sorry that you are “loopy” too. Seems fibromyalgia and Lupis seem to go hand in hand.The power of prayer alone or with a group sustains us all. Please tell your daughter a lovely Mom. Hugs!

  5. Tiffany will be in our thoughts and prayers for a complete healing. Prayers for you and your husband too.
    God Bless
    Marilyn,Joan and Marion

  6. I’m so, so very sad to hear this, Katherine. You’ve been handed more than most people could manage, but your faith is strong and it will sustain you. Your family is in my prayers. Take each day as it comes and remember to be good to yourself as you go through this.

  7. Katherine I am so sorry to hear this but I will be sending prayers of healing! I know Jesus, the name above all names, King of Kings and Lord of Lords is able to do exceedingly greater than what we could ever imagine! I “have” (I don’t claim ownership of these diseases or let them define me anymore) diagnosis of Lupus, MS, and Lyme Disease and nearly every other autoimmune disease that goes along with chronic long term undiagnosed infections (from Lyme and tick borne illness) and a damaged immume system. I have been sick since I was a teenager, and have been near death, in a wheelchair, unable to write my name, had to leave teaching public school music and choir because I couldn’t even remember notes on a piano… now back to blogging, walking up to a mile per day, playing guitar and piano, back to giving music lessons in my home and I have many other aspects of a “normal” life that I missed out on for so many years. My symptoms still wax and wane and I have bad days…but I also have many good days. I am so much better and have been healed of many other issues. When medicines and doctors failed I have believed in the great physician and he has delivered me from all my troubles when I started to truly tackle these disease with spiritual warfare and holistic living. My doctor was sent by God and is a miracle worker, He treats cancer (and has cured or put many in remission) and all autoimmune diseases with an integrative approach and I would love for you to check out his website. He is in the Lexington, KY area, and well worth the travel. I will be very much in prayer for you and your family.

    Love all the beautiful purple in this post.

  8. Katherine, I’m so sorry for these big losses hitting you right now, and especially for the news about your daughter. We never know when tragedy will hit, but one thing’s for sure….God isn’t surprised by it. He has us in the hollow of His hand. Praying for you.

  9. Katie, my heart was breaking as I was reading. Tiffany will be in my prayers as well as you and your hubby! Life is full of pain and sorrow., but our hope is in the Lord Jesus Christ. Sending love and hugs ❤️

  10. May God hold your hand and your heart during this time. You touch so many of us I pray that everything will take a positive turn for you.

  11. Dear Katherine,
    You are truly amazing! I have been your silent admirer each time when I ramble in through this site. You surely must be an excellent role model to all those whose lives you touch so beautifully.
    You, your hubby and your daughter will be in my thoughts and prayers.
    gool a.k.a. gabby

    P.S. You have excellently explained the benefits of meditations. Will drop by again to take a closer look. Thank You for all that you do.

  12. Oh my goodness, Katie, I’m so sorry about all of this. Prayers for all of these situations and those who are affected. I wish I could make this all go away. Life is so very hard, sometimes. May you feel God’s peace.

  13. Wish I could say something amazing that would strengthen you and take away your pain. Just know that many will be praying for you.

  14. Oh my…sometimes it seems the sky is falling. However, we know that prayer is a way maker and a problem solver. Once we lay all those things at the cross, we have to believe that everything will work out for our good. I pray your daughter will come out of the surgery and heal swiftly and completely. I know the worry of a child with a chronic illness, because my daughter has MS. I send light and healing thoughts her way and pray she will breeze through this surgery. I pray your family will find strength in the love and life legacy of your friends. One who has passed from labor to reward and another on that journey. I pray you all will remember all of the good and come to terms with the fact that we all will someday have to take that same journey and our hope and prayer is that when we do, we leave a path of good deeds behind. It sounds as if both your friends have done just that. Yes sometimes life is extremely difficult to muddle through, but just know you are not alone and prayers are going towards the heaves on your behalf.

    1. I am so sorry for all these devastating news. I just said a prayer for your daughter. Prayers work because God is good and I pray her surgery goes well. My granddaughter was diagnosed with stage 4 High risk Neuroblastoma when she was
      2 and she just turned 8 and she’s been on remission for almost 6 years now. There is hope and we believe your daughter will be fine…..Christine

  15. Katie, I seriously was reading this and feeling your pain one paragraph to the next. I honestly am at a loss for words with all the recent developments with your family (daughter) and friends, too. My heart is truly heavy and hurts for you my dear friend. I most definitely will keep all in my continued prayers and sending you my love and thoughts here today. And some extra virtual hugs, too just for you xoxo <3

Love each other as God loves you xo

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