update on our daughter

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  1. So very happy to hear the good news!! I am amazed at what surgeons can do, especially when aided by the prayers of many. I know you are so relieved that it went well…moms always need prayers when their babies need prayer.

  2. I have gotten behind on reading my blogs lately so was unaware of your daughter’s surgery until today. I’m so glad she came through it okay and that it went well. I send my healing prayers and energy and hope that her recovery will be smooth and uncomplicated. It is so hard when our loved ones are sick but I do believe that prayers and affirmations help greatly in healing and the restoring of health. Please know that you and your family will be in my thoughts over the next few days. And remember to take good care of yourself during this difficult period.

  3. Katie,
    That is such wonderful news. I can’t imagine the toll it has taken on your family. I will continue to keep you and your family in my prayers.
    Blessing my friend.

  4. Praise God for this wonderful news!!! I pray her healing continues well with no further complications. Be blessed!!!

  5. Hello Dear Friend, Katherine,
    I’m delighted that the surgery went well. I will continue to send positive thoughts and prayers to you and her. Prayers are so powerful. Much love with warm hugs, Cynthia

Love each other as God loves you xo

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