bluebird days

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  1. Katherine, Thank you so much for featuring my spring time post. We’ve definitely had some blue bird days here in North Texas. Grateful that the first day of spring was so beautiful.

  2. It’s Spring here too. Gosh, even the weeds look good, and I have plenty of those. I like your choices & I am studying them for inspiration.

  3. Your weather sounded amazing this past weekend. We had rain and freezing raining a bit on Saturday. But Sunday it warmed up in the 50s with bright sunshine. Even though that is probably colder than you experienced since we had feeling temps for days preceding this, that 50 and sun felt like heaven. Can’r wait for 70 and spring now though still! Happy Monday now, Katie and wishing you a wonderful week ahead, too xoxo <3

Love each other as God loves you xo

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