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  1. Hey! I’m just like you! I got new glasses last night! They look a lot like yours! Great minds think alike…you look SPECtacular in them…can you believe the cost though? We have eye coverage, but still between me, and my 2 little ones…1k. Unbelievable!
    Thanks for sharing your picture! ~ Julie

  2. Looking good I think if one has to wear glasses, they should be fun! I love your geraniums in the bicycle basket, what a great idea.

  3. I think they are totally fun and adorable on you! I’ve been wearing glasses for about 15 years now. The last pair I got were very similar to yours and I love them 🙂

  4. LOVE the glasses! They look fantastic on you and are Very fashionable. So far, I just have glasses for reading and using the computer, but I’m not very good about wearing them. I have to admit, it sure was fun picking our a pair though. 🙂

  5. Those are really cute! The answer is yes I sure do wear reading glasses.. Have to at my age to read….do I like it? Nope but if you have to wear them you might as well be pretty and you are in yours!

  6. You look cute and those glasses are perfect 🙂
    I don’t wear glasses, yet, but I have a feeling it won’t be too much longer. Last time I went for my license renewal I could tell it was little rougher reading the alphabet screen.

  7. Thanks so much for the comment and visit to my blog. I really like the style of your glasses. I used to wear glasses for distances but for some reason, I don’t need them anymore. However, I do wear bifocals for just about everything. I have added you to my blog roll and thanks so much for stopping by, I hope to see you again. 🙂

  8. I love the look. You are adorable! I don’t wear glasses and have had 20/20 vision all my life, but in the last few years I have had a hard time seeing small print. I am now one of those people in the store holding out a can or aspirin bottle out as far as I can reach, squinting in frustration that everything is a blur. Speaking of reading, my latest memoir, Hearts on the Line is FREE on Kindle now through the 14th. Kindle let’s you adjust the font to super duper big if you need it. LOL

  9. very stylish!! I have been wearin glasses for almost 30 years…progressive bifocals…my problem is that when I try to pick out frames, I can’t really tell how they look…can focus too well without glasses. Have a great day…it’s fall like weather here in South GA

  10. I think you look fabulous in your glasses. I’ve worn glasses ever since the birth of my 1st child. While over the years my eyesight hasn’t gotten horrible since the beginning and I have contacts, I tend to be in my glasses 90% of the time simply because the clarity of things is so much better with them.

  11. Oh, those look so pretty! You are a lovely pretty woman! I never have needed glasses, until recently i started needing reading glasses for small type. Or I just grab one of my kids, and say, “What does that say?” LOL

  12. I’ve been wearing them since the second grade! LOL
    Yours look super — really flattering….did you get progressives or the lined ones? I got progressives last month and was surprised that they were not hard at all to get used to!

  13. Lovely glasses and yes I wear glasses but only to see. If I’m working around the house I don’t wear them. I need them to drive and to watch tv and another pair to use the computer. Getting old is pretty sucky. 🙂

  14. I can’t remember the other glasses you wore but this pair looks smart and stylish on you, Katie. You still remind me of Julie Richman (Deborah Foreman) from the movie Valley Girl. I held out until age 61 before finally admitting to myself that I needed glasses. I’ve been wearing them ever since. Have a happy Tuesday, dear friend!

  15. LOVE them, they look great on you!! I don’t wear glasses (yet) but my husband recently started wearing glasses. It was a bit getting used to at first, but I love them on him now =)

Love each other as God loves you xo

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