peach crumble katherines corner

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  1. Hi, I realize this is a super old post hopefully you’ll still find this. The ingredients list doesn’t mention the lemon or water that is mixed with the egg – how much of each should we use?

  2. Yummy, that looks delicious-I could almost taste/smell this yummy peach crumble through the computer, LOL 🙂 Will definitely make this in the coming week-thanks so much for sharing!

  3. That looks really delicious.. Think I will make this for my husband.. He would LOVE this… I wish I had neighbors who shared but no, we don’t :(…. I do have a peach tree and a pear tree but they didn’t fair to well this year with all the brutal heat we had unfortunately..

    I hope it’s OK that I put a link to your blog on mine. I like reading yours and Im sure others would too.. Thank you for the recipe!
    Robyn 🙂

  4. Yummy, yum, yum! Looks delish Katherine…Ooooh, my tummy just grumbled, LOL. Honest, it just grumbled…Hee, Hee, Hee. Thanks for sharing the recipe. Wishing you a wonderful new week.

    Hugs and Kisses,

Love each other as God loves you xo

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