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  1. Oh I’m pinning this ! I’ve never had spaghetti squash in my life – I think it’s time to try it !
    Thanks for sharing !
    ( and love your blog layout ! )

  2. What a yummy and comforting recipe! Lots of good things in it. And I like the idea of making the spaghetti squash in the microwave too.

    Looks so nice here at your place. Great visiting with you.

    Kindly, Lorraine

  3. This might be today’s meal. I think I’ve got everything but the chicken. I’m foreseeing a grocery store trip, and then a quick jaunt out to vote. This may also go well with my zucchini dish.

  4. Hi Katie, I love the new header and look for your blog. I like chicken a la king but never made it from scratch. Have to try this. It is real comfort food. xo

  5. I use to make chicken ala king years ago. Haven’t done that in a long time. I have never made spaghetti squash but have always wanted to try. Sounds Yummy!!!

  6. I’ve never had spaghetti squash cooked in the microwave. I do love squash though. The chicken recipe sounds delicious. I’m always looking for recipes for chicken as we eat a lot of it and hate eating it the same way. Thanks so much for the recipe ideas!

    I hope you had a lovely weekend. 🙂

  7. I love your new blog layout and color scheme, Katie! It is warm, comforting and inviting just like you. Mrs. Shady and I both love squash of all kinds and she makes many chicken dishes that include spaghetti squash.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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