easter bunny napkin tutorial

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  1. Hello my sweet friend – I LOVE this tutorial (I think we used it in one of our Ruby issues) and I would like to feature it on my Vintage Mama’s Cottage blog next week. May I just include one or two images and link back here for the tutorial please? I’m out and about this evening visiting the other blog hop participants. I’m almost back to normal and working everyday! Hope to be caught up this week and then move forward. Love and hugs, Nina

  2. Hi Katie, I and to come search out something you posted about Easter, these are so…..C.U.T.E. and I just had to share them this week on my WW.
    Hope you enjoy your week!

    PS I am waiting some funds to come in so I can sign up for the April Bloom event!!

  3. These are so sweet, Katherine. I must feature them. I actually was going to do something with napkins but yours are so beautiful, I will send these out on social media instead! Your friend, Linda

  4. They are ADORABLE! I have left over heshun from christmas stockings. Definitely going to give it a go!

  5. Your bunny napkins are adorable! Love the napkins rings too, they make a great pair : ) Sending hugs and prayers that your MRI went well.

  6. I’ll be praying for you! Try some lavender essential oil, mix it with some grapeseed or cocnut oil (or olive oil will work too) and rub it behind your ears, wrists, basically any place you put perfume, and on the bottom of your feet, and right before hand put some under your nose for aromatherapy. It will help you relax. Also, as soon as you lay down, start praying for your family and friends by name and focus on any prayer requests they might have. It will help to keep your mind off of it.
    I love the bunny rabbits!

  7. These are adorable!!! I pulled my mom’s old sewing machine out of storage and hope to get it up and running soon so I can make these.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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