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  1. Im not a teacher, but I fully respect what they do.
    I valued my children’s teachers, and admired them for all the hard work that they did.

    You are right, your Family has to come first!
    Sending hugs!

  2. I’m not a teacher, but I am surrounded by family and friend teachers. They say something similar – it’s like going from a lazy river tube to a too-fast roller coaster. Take good care!

  3. The university of life never shuts for vacation, as this is the only university I have ever attended I wonder if anybody knows how to graduate from it because they don’t teach that!
    Great blog and thanks for sharing.
    I work in the freight business and we have had an increase in volume of back to school supplies and clothes so the end of the holidays affects other folks as well as the teachers.
    Oh and as soon as that is over I know we will start the ramp up to the Christmas rush lol.

  4. Sharon – I used to work in an elementary school and this is so true. Thank you for a transparent post and a great reminder to all of us on any given day to not let our employment become the ruler of our lives. I’m a new follower.

  5. I’ve heard many of my teacher friends say the same! Taking care of yourself should be a priority though…you are right, your family AND your students will be happier if you are happier! Visiting from the Doing You Well Blog Hop!

  6. Hey I’m a new follower visiting from “DYWW” linky-party!
    Looking forward to following your blog


  7. As a former teacher myself, I can so relate and summer vacations ending were always bitter sweet. And you are right, I always felt a bit down at this point. Plus, leaving the work behind and not bringing it home with you is another great and valuable tip. It is hard not to do this, but you are right that it is important to do.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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