Thursday Favorite Things weekly Blog Hop

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  1. Hi Katherine, I am loving all your new updates you have made to your blog. Great party you have going on, hope you can come visit my new blog soon. Have a great weekend,

  2. Pingback: Pop The Top on Ciroc | Fashion and Fun after Fifty
  3. Thank you for hosting. I am number 226 — Encourage Your Child to Read — something that parents are the best people to accomplish, whether we homeschool, private school, or public school.
    I am also number 227 — How to Not Evangelize. The message is so important, that it’s worth taking time to see how we’re delivering it.
    And number 228 — Yukon Gold “French Fries” — fast, quick, easy, delicious.

  4. Hi Katie, thanks for hosting another fabulous party this week. I’ll be sure to visit Anyonita’s blog to say ‘HI’!

  5. Pingback: A Walk in the Woods | Finding The Inspiring
  6. Yikes I had technical difficulties! Can you delete #106 the labor Day Lantern so I can re-post it? I couldn’t get thie picture uploaded right from my Ipad. Hmmnn Lesson learned!! Thanks for hosting a fun party 🙂

  7. I love her name, so pretty. Also love the name of her blog, so cute! Thanks for hosting today and hope you have a great weekend.

  8. Thanks for the party. Great guest host. I love Anyonita’s blog. I’ve learned a lot of great things from her. I am still unloading all my zucchini recipes. This one is a little more sophisticated. Hope you enjoy!

Love each other as God loves you xo

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