planning a tea party

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  1. I have lots of pretty china.I lovee tea in it,so pretty and looks more yummy right??

    Thanks for sharing this tea party advice.

  2. Hi, I just got around to following your blog. So cute.
    I'd like to have that many followers…
    have a lovely day.
    glenda@serendipity cottage

  3. know how to inspire me! I definitely have to host a tea party soon!! Love your blog btw! Happy Saturday!

    Kristin 🙂

  4. Hi Katie,
    Thanks for your visit and signing up to follow. I love a tea party! As you may know, I host a tea party meme each Tuesday and I would love to have you join in, if you can. Just let me know in advance and I'll put your link on my post. Have a wonderful weekend.


  5. Hi Katie,
    thank you for becoming a follower of my blog.
    Wow, your blog is quite something… you left me speechless as i love your style and your charm.
    What a lovely tutorial on how to have the perfect tea party. Thank you, really needed it!
    I adore tea and adore even more collecting mismatched bone china tea cups, teapots, sugar bowls… all that is tea related. Too bad i often let my treasures sit too long in my china cabinet without using them. Some of them are antique and I'm so afraid of damaging them. How foolish of me. beautiful things are made to be enjoyed. Aren't i right?
    I've a thing for english and bavarian china with rose decor and I'm simply crazy about transferware and antique embroydered linens… that's all you need for the perfect tablescape for a nice teaparty with friends.
    well my dear, won't go on annoying you with so much talking. Until our next visits I wish you a fab weekend ahead of you with a lot of your fave freshly brewed tea.

  6. Hi Katie, thanks for stopping by my blog. I love the idea of tea parties- one of my favorite things to do back in the U.S. is have tea at a nice hotel.

    My most memorable tea parties were in Chile, when my abuelita would make us come in from the beach to drink tea every afternoon at 4 pm. At least we got to keep our bathing suits on!

    Chileans learned the tea custom from the British. Their tea is delicious!

  7. Hi Katie, thanks for dropping in, leaving me a comment and becoming a follower! I am delighted to find you to and am returning the favour!

    I am also a big fan of tea 🙂

  8. ~Precious tea cups! We love tea as well and Lady Gaga. *Smiles*

    It's so nice to meet you! Stop by and say Hello anytime. I look forward to it.

    Have a blessed week. ~Melissa 🙂

  9. …..and a cottage garden is the perfect spot for a lovely tea party. Thanks for sharin' your recipe.

    God bless ya and have a terrific Tuesday!!!

  10. Would there be any chance to get a tall glass of sweet iced tea at your party? It's the only way I take it. It is hard to find anywhere other than the Southeast, US. OK, I will take it in a teacup.

  11. having boys of my own, i have missed getting to have tea parties mostly…but your tea party is a great analogy for making sure we take the time to get together with those that are important to us. smiles.

    so tea it is!

  12. I have China in my hutch and a few teapots, but nothing official to be used as a tea set…
    There are tea rooms around and I've been to luncheons there with friends. I would love to put together a tea party tho. What fun!
    Hey – and thanks for the follow today!

  13. That sounds like a lot of fun. My mother in law takes takes my daughter out for tea on the days she is out of school. They have a great time.

  14. Sweet! I may have tea party with my grandaughter when she visits this summer. I use to collect tea pots but sold them all when we down sized and I miss them.:(

  15. I think breakfast is the perfect excuse for bringing out the fine bone china. I have quite a collection of teacups most are in constant rotation. Only the most preciously sentimental ones- the ones hand painted by great aunt for my 18th (26years ago) live in the cabinet.
    (Thanks for visiting my blog by the way.)

  16. I love tea too and I hadn't been to a tea party in years – then in February I was invited to one and had a ball – then last week went to a tea house for high tea.

    Learning about tea all over again.


  17. Ahh alas a fellow tea drinker. I love tea parties. I'm the scone maker among other tea treats. Ususally I host tea parties in order to have the single, childless ladies over in a small group. It's lots of fun and we giggle away as we sip our tea. Girl time just couldn't be more fun. Ha and I actually put out there that no coffee is aloud during our tea time.
    Great post!

  18. How fun to have a tea party. I love drinking tea…I just never take the time to make it special!
    I love what you have done with your blog. I have been away for a couple weeks, we had some deaths in our family. I have missed reading my blogs though.

  19. My favorite tea party is at my desk, in the a.m. Some days, it is the best part of my day. I love Constant Comment tea. I call it "Constant Comfort!" 🙂
    Hoosier hugs,

  20. Your tea party sounds just lovely. I do so enjoy a cup of tea in a very pretty china cup and saucer. There is just something special about it and therefore I feel special. Thank you for sharing your "recipe" for a proper tea party. Happy tea drinking…

  21. I love tea, in a tea cup. I am a little more modern because I don't use a saucer. Mostly because I have a nerve disorder that makes me shake. But love the feel of bone china in my hands and on my lips. Have a great day dear friend.

  22. I have so many pretty teacups/saucers including a complete set of Minton china that was Mom's wedding china (so it's OLD) but no one to have a tea party with! I do use the cups occasionally when I want to feel a little girly, though!

Love each other as God loves you xo

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