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  1. Hi Katie,
    Thanks for visiting my blog and for you sweet comments.
    Your tea cup is so pretty that you posted in your last post.
    It's fun to have a tea party with friends.

  2. Yes, these are cloth napkins, we only use cloth napkins at our house. Our grandchildren always think its fancy, giggle and it's eco friendly too! Thanks to all for always leaving such great comments. Hugs!

  3. Hello Katie!
    I noticed that you stopped by my blog and became a follower! That put a smile on my face! I enjoyed going through your blog! I be back from time to time. Hugs!

  4. hi katherine,

    thank you for stopping by my humble
    blog. yours is beautiful.

    the blue damask ? napkins reminded me
    of lovely garden luncheons.


  5. Hi, I wanted to stop by and say thanks for visiting. I love your wordless Wednesday posts. I also loved and I mean loved your post about church. I thought it was beautiful and very well thought out.
    I think you are very wise. Not to mention brave. 🙂 It seems every one was very kind though. So thanks so much for visiting.

  6. Hello and thanks for coming by my blog!!! So nice to meet you! You have some beautiful pictures on here. I do love photography and always say that I want to be a photographer when I grow up! Have a great day and come by any time!

  7. Your blog is very sweet! I like the pictures and bright colors…

    Debby (Heavenly Humor)

  8. Hello..what a lovely nice of you to visit me and directing me your way…I will be back..:)))

  9. Hi Katie, Thank you so much for taking the time to come see my blog. I think your blog is very pretty. I'll be back again.

  10. I just joined your blog and it interests me. I dont have alot of spare time to read, but I do love the photos! I hope that you will come and see my blog also as I have alot of photos also and I think you might enjoy them. Thanks, Sweet

  11. I also want to say Hi to you Katie, and thank you for stopping by mine. Love your site. Will come and visit again soon.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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