My Recent Merger
Hello fabulous bloggy friends! I’m smiling large right now. Feeling a little giddy really. Light as air, floating on a cloud….just plain tickled.
A couple of weeks ago I invited you to join me at my new blog for my graphics website. I was thrilled that so many of you came along. Just another reason to be so darn happy. Thank you so much for your support. You are the best bunch of bloggy friends a gal could ever ask for.
This week I can hardly contain my enthusiasm as I announce yet another change. Many of you know that I have a website called Gifts By Katherine. Well I have been juggling that website and it’s blog for quite some time now, and frankly, I’m a little tuckered out. So the only logical solution was to merge them together. One big happy website complete with bloggy stuff too.
Now, this in know way, will effect the joy I receive from Katherine’s Corner. In fact, it’s my hope that it will allow me even more time for bloggy fun here. It is one of my favorite places after all.So here it is, an invitation to join me at Gifts By Katherine . So grab my hand and lets head on over. I can’t wait to hear what you think of it.

Love the blog, and congrats on the merger! I look forward to really looking around here when I have some time. New follower from Meet Me Monday Hop. Drop by and see me if you get the chance, thanks!
That's great! Looks good.