DIY Spring Door Decor

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  1. Pingback: Link Party with Titi Crafty! |
  2. Hey Katherine This is a lovely creation, I just love it!!! Thank you so much for stopping by and linking this up at Bewitch Me & Titi! You are going to be feature tomorrow!!! yayyy come and link again and grab you featured button!


  3. Pingback: Brag About It | Linky Party | No. 2 | BeBetsy
  4. This is wonderful, so bright and cheerful. It’s a happy way to greet people who come to the door. The colors are so vibrant and the bit of green and the patterned ribbon make it perfect. Always a treat to see what you are doing! Thanks for sharing on our Brag About It party. So nice of you.
    All the best ~ Sharon and Denise!

  5. Anytime I have tried to make wreath, it turns out terrible! Maybe if I looked at someone else’s it might turn out!

  6. Love your hat! Such special memories that you have about your Mom! =)

    I dont make special wreaths for my front door – but Im thinking about it.


  7. Katherine, Thank you so much for posting this. I, as you, have always loved straw hats for spring decor. I have on hanging in a closet because I wasn’t sure if it was stylish again. You are always on top of things and starting trends instead of following trends.
    Well, you could have guessed, that hat is coming out of the closet. I may have to dust it and change out some flowers and ribbon for more current colors.
    I looked at the other day and how pretty it was.
    xo Ginger

  8. Pretty!!! Is that really hanging outside your door!?
    I’ve made wreaths for fall and winter, but I think you inspired me to make a spring one. 🙂
    I hope you have a lovely Friday!

  9. Katherine, I love this idea. I am a hat person. I think they call me the hat lady at church since I am the only one who does. This is the perfect thing for me. I am from NY, Saratoga area, where the horses are raced. Each summer I go back to visit and we shop in the boutiques and try on derby hats. Gorgeous hats that have prices in the $100s. We always say we are going to make one ourselves. Thanks for your tutorial. I may just make one for my door and one for myself a spring hat to wear. Found you at Feathered Nest Fri. Blessings!~Wanda

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