Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop 84

Its time for Thursday Favorite Things! I’m happy to have Melissa from Serendipity and Spice as my co host this week.
The Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop is where you can link your favorite post or write a post about your favorite things and share it with old and new followers. You gain visibility for your blog and make bloggy friends too!
Remember to leave me a comment if you are a new follower so I can follow you back
Here are the rules, yes there are rules. But just a few: Please DO NOT link and run…visit a few of the wonderful blogs that are sharing at the hop.
- Follow Katherines Corner preferably through Email it’s on my right sidebar (or facebook, twitter, bloglovin, etc. they are on my sidebar too) And My Co Host Melissa
- Visit as many blogs in the list as you can, please leave a comment so they know you stopped by!
- Share the button or a linklback on your post. Grab the hop button code from The button page It’s always nice to have the hop button on your post. It IS NOT mandatory; but a Link back to Katherines Corner is always appreciated 🙂
- No adult content blogs or links directly to your shops please
- Yes you can link giveaways ( they are everyone’s favorite thing) Add your giveaways to the Win It Page too!
Please let me know if you would like to co-host. I love to have a co-host every week.
I do my best to visit all of you. But if I miss you please forgive me and I hope you understand. Please know how much I enjoy hosting this party for you and having you share all of your wonderful posts.
Now hop on and share your favorites. If you’d like to post this blog hop on your page please just grab the linky code.
Sorry, I no longer automatically add you to the reminder list. If you would like a reminder please just fill in your email and click enter in the form below this is used for reminders only 🙂
Thanks for the link up! Happy weekend! 🙂
Thanks for the party. Hope you’re having a nice week. I’ve posted the new Homemaking Party for the week and would love to have you link up, if you’d like!
Mrs. Sarah Coller
Good morning, Katie!! I just wanted to pop back over and say “Thank you” for hosting such a lovely party!! I was so happy to be able to come link up with you this week! I pray all is well, dear friend, and hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Hugs and Blessings,
Drop by my party if you have time. Good to visit tonight! Hope your having a good week!
Thanks for hosting :o) It’s my first time linking-up with you – found you via Serendipity and Spice.
Have a great week!
Thanks so much for hosting! Looks like it’s going to be another GREAT party! 🙂
Thank you! I’m a new follower. I’m having fun checking out all the links. 🙂 Have a wonderful day!
Thanks so much for hosting such a fun link party every week. We would love to have you stop by our new sister blog site and share some recipes – Have a great week! -The Six Sisters
Love the new look! Thanks for hosting & God bless!
Thank you for hosting this party!!!!!
Have a nice week.
Thanks for hosting ! =)
I always enjoy linking up, and visiting the wonderful sites!
Thank you so much for the party and I hope you’re doing well.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia 🙂
Great party. Thanks for hosting each week.
Thank you so much for hosting, Katherine! You are seriously the best online party host I’ve ever seen!! Your graciousness makes me always want to return :).
Thank you so much for hosting, Katherine! You are seriously the best online party host I’ve ever seen!! Your graciousness makes me always want to return :).
Happy Thursday Katherine! Just wanted to say hi and thanks for hosting us. 😀 Have a lovely weekend!
Thanks, for hosting this party, Katherine! Blessings to you and yours!
Thanks for hosting, Katherine….Christine
Thank you for hosting, Katherine! Have a super, fantastical week!
You always have a great party! I wanted to thank you for popping in to Cindy’s blog and your sweet comments on my home tour. They mean so much to mean and I just appreciate it so much.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia 😉
Thanks for hosting! Have a great weekend!!!
It has been a while since I last linked up, but I am back.
Thank you so much for hosting.
Good Morning thanks for hosting on this rainy morning in Missouri
Hi Katherine,
Thanks for hosting! I am new follower! Feel free to follow back. Can’t wait to check out all these great posts!
Katherine, thanks so much for hosting this lovely party. Hope you’re having a great week!!
Happy Thursday Katie! thanks for hosting!!
Loving your blog! Thank you for hosting. 🙂
Katherine, Thank you for hosting. Have a blessed day, Ginger
Thank you for hosting another blog hop! Have a wonderful Thursday and your header looks beautiful. 🙂
Thanks so much for hosting!!
Another great party, Katie. Thanks for hosting.
Thanks for your great blog hop…always meet fabulous women!! Have a great day, Katie!! (please pray for Texas today!)
Thanks for hosting. 🙂
Thanks for hosting Katherine. Have a wonderful Thursday! xxoo
Thank you very much for a new day of this pretty party links!
Hello Katie,
Thanks for hosting another great party.
Have a super blessed day!
Hello Dear Katherine,
I love the beautiful visual changes that you are always making on your blog. I envy your talent! Thank you for hosting again this week. Much aloha, Lori
Thanks for hosting! Your buttons are on my site 🙂
Thank you both for hosting and co-hosting today! 😉
Fascinating posts…love this party. Thx for hosting~
Hi Katie and Melissa, thanks to y’all for the party. It’s great fun to visit each week.
I’m so excited that I was able to jump on board earlier than normal yet again….that’s twice now….I’m on a roll. You are so wonderful for hosting this for all of us to share in each other’s Favorite things each week. Big hugs to you sweet Katherine…xoxo
Thanks for hosting another fun party, Katherine! You rock!
Thanks for hosting! Hope you have a super week! Blessings, Gloria @The Resourceful Gals
Thanks for another great party!
Thank you so much for hosting – I always look forward to your linky parties!
Hi Katherine, Linking quick before we get on a plan, just had to. Thanks for hosting and for stopping by Flower Power, and now we have another Have a great week,
Katherine, Thanks you so much for hosting again this week, Laura
Hey Katie, have an awesome weekend hon!
Hi! Linking up early this week as I have to be out of town tomorrow. I’ve posted the hop on the front page of the Ruby community and will send out a broadcast message in the morning. Also, will have Shar post the link on the Ruby FB page and Google+.
Which recipes do you suggest I use for the May issue of the Ruby magazine? Anything else? A new banner, giveaway, book review . . . . anything at all, my dear ;o) Talk soon! Much love, N
Thanks for hosting 🙂
Oh thank you Katherine as always for hosting!!! 🙂
Thanks a lot for hosting Katie! Have a wonderful Thursday!