about my mom katherine

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  1. That was so Lovely! Hope it’s a quick recovery. I follow your mom every week her and on instagram, She is so talented. Thanks for posting the update and we will be keeping her in our prayers,


  2. HI Tiffany, what a sweet daughter you are and please know I am praying for your mom and thinking very positive thoughts for her recovery, hugs Lisa at Concord Cottage

  3. Hi Tiffany,
    I hope your momma begins to feel better soon. She will be missed this week. I have an autoimmune disease, not as serious as what your mom deals with, but nonetheless it can be quite debilitating on the occasions I’m exposed to nasty old gluten, rye, barley, dairy and the whole mess of crap that is stuffed into every single item that is pre-packaged. I do empathize with feeling crummy more often than not. The bonus is that the really good days are so much more appreciated and full of genuine bliss. I will keep your sweet mother in my prayers for a full healing.

    Thank you,
    Reinvented Collection

  4. I wondered if everything was okay when I didn’t see your usual cheerful Thursday email in my inbox, I am sorry to see you are not feeling well Katherine. I’ll keep you in my thoughts for a speedy recovery! Take care and get well soon.:)
    Thank you for the update Tiffany.

  5. Praying for your mom today – for God to surround her with HIs peace and to heal her quickly!

  6. Please give Katherine my love, hugs and that prayers are with her. She has been such a good support and encourager to me from the beginning of my blog; I can never thank her enough. I hope she is well soon; she will be missed every day she is not feeling her best. Carrie, A Mother’s Shadow

  7. Hi Katherine & Tiffany! 🙂
    While I know you are worried about us (your readers and friends)…know that we are all worried about you and that the most important thing right now is that you take time for yourself, you and your family are the most important right now!
    You are in my thoughts!!
    Big Hugs! Kimberley

  8. Thank you for all of your loves and prayers. She appreciates all of you and the relationships created. Please continue with prayers, this week will be a bit rough. Hugs and loves to you all. Tiffany

  9. Look at you worrying about little things like giveaways while struggling with your own medical woes! You take care of you and we’ll send those positive thoughts, Katherine!

  10. Tiffany, it was sweet of you to write a post for your mom. Katherine wishing you a success treatment program and sending my thoughts and prayers your way. Take Care

  11. Thank you, Tiffany, for keeping us in the loop. Let her know that she is surrounded with prayers of her loyal readers and she is blessed with God’s strength. Blessings to you and your family!

  12. Tiffany thanks for letting us know and please tell your mom, when you can that I am thinking about her and keeping her in my prayers. Also sending some major hugs her way now. xoxo

  13. My heart s so sad to her that my sweet friend is struggling. She is in my prayers and thoughts. I will fast for your that what she is struggling with will leave her body if it is the Lords will. She is such a bright spot in my life. Tell her she is loved, give her a hug from me. Jo

  14. Tiffany, I think your mom would agree YOU are one of the best things she has created! 😉 Please tell your mom (I’ve always called her Katy-kins) that I’m praying for her. May the Lord bless your mom with His best and bless you all with a special touch of His presence and peace.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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