Yummy Bread Recipes and TFT Blog Hop
Hello friends welcome, and Happy TFT (Thursday Favorite Things) day! Add your blog post links and enjoy discovering wonderful blogs of all varieties. This awesome weekly link party is for blog writers and blog readers. Today through Saturday at midnight share your links. My hostesses and I pick blogs to feature each week too. I encourage you to pin , share and save each week’s features and to click on all of the amazing blogs linked too. If you missed last week’s party please click HERE to see what you may have missed.
I am currently dealing with elbow bursitis. It occurs in the olecranon bursa, a thin, fluid-filled sac that is located at the boney tip of the elbow (called the olecranon). It is swollen and very painful. It now has me fighting a staph infection in too.
I’m sorry I still haven’t fully committed to returning to “blogging” full time, but I will let you know soon, I promise. If you don’t know what’s happening please click HERE. For now, please enjoy the party and share it with your friends
This week’s features are yummy breads!

Just a quick reminder, when you share your posts each week nobody knows what the feature theme will be. Not even me! I don’t select a theme until after the party ends. I will share some of your wonderful posts as features at the TFT party each week. All of the hostesses have features, be sure to stop by their blogs too. xo

Here’s a look back at something I shared .

I’m trying to grow my Pinterest followers and re-pins! Will you help? Please pin the features from the original blogs, so the blogger who shared gets the credit. But, I do invite you to pin my feature image and follow me on Pinterest, please.

- Banana Walnut Crunch bread from Little Frugal Homestead
- Brandied Cherry and White Chocolate bread from Scratch Made Food
- Grams Old Fashioned Pumpkin bread from Cindy’s Online Recipes
- For those with dietary restrictions, Candida Bread from Oatmeal with a Fork

Have you met your co-hostesses? You will want to get to know these lovelies, they are blog party rock stars! Please follow their blogs and social media and stop by to say thank you for hosting, you will be so happy you did. They also share features every week!

- Katherine-Katherines Corner Pin| Insta| Tw
- Bev-Eclectic Red Barn Pin| FB| Insta| Tw
- Amber-Follow the Yellow Brick Home Pin| FB| Insta| Tw
- Theresa-Shoestring Elegance Pin| FB| Insta| Tw
- Linda-Crafts a la Mode Pin| FB | Insta| Tw
- Pam-An Artful Mom Pin| FB| Insta| Tw
Thanks for featuring my Gram’s Old-Fashioned Pumpkin Bread! I know how you feel, since I’ve had bursitis in my shoulder, and hope you’re doing better soon! Have a safe, healthy & happy Fall!
Sorry to hear about your health issues. I’m #167, #168. and #169
My Link Ups are # 155 and 156!!
Thanks again for hosting this lovely party every week! I know how much time and effort goes into doing so and I want you to know that it is greatly appreciated!! Stay safe, healthy and happy!!
Katherine! Yummy breads are right! Drooling. Pinned and popping by with a happy TFT PARTY day to you, my friend. Hugs!
I could eat bread at every meal. I love all kinds, but especially seasonal flavors like zucchini and pumpkin. My table is set (#134), let’s break bread! Thank you, Katherine!
Thanks for hosting, Katherine! Now I’m hungry! Hope you heal up quickly. I’m linked at 132 & 133 this week.
Oh Katherine, I had elbow bursitis in the Spring and it was so painful. Thankfully it eventually went away but I found wearing a brace really helped. Wishing you a speedy recovery and sending hugs from Canada. Linking up this week at 85 & 86.
Marie, I’m sorry to know you have had this. The doctor has me wearing a compression wrap for now. Hugs
I’m not much for baking bread, but cookies are fun to make. Thanks for bringing inspiration for fall though. I’ve linked #75 and 77 today.
I’m sorry! I hope they have you on some good drugs for it.
LOL, nope I can’t take the good ones because I have barretts esophagus. Just keeping it wrapped is helping. I am on an antibiotic as well. Irony here is, I probably picked up the staff infection at my oncologists visit. Stay safe my friend, hugs
Thanks for hosting.
Oh Katherine, I’m so sorry about your elbow, that sounds very painful, please take care! Thank you for hosting, my links are #40, 41, 42…I hope you feel better soon!
thank you hugs