winter white monday katherines corner inspiration
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Winter White Monday Inspirations

It was 53 degrees on average this weekend. I don’t know where winter is hiding. But I think it may sneak up on us. Some parts of the country are covered in snow and others are dealing with mud slides . Prayers are needed all around. As long as I’m asking you to pray with…

how to use garlic scapes in recipes
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How to Use Garlic Scapes in Recipes

How to Use Garlic Scapes in Recipes- Last week I shared the photo (below) wondering if anyone could guess what they are. I also posted it on Instagram. you can read their guesses there too. They are garlic scapes! Have you ever heard of them? They were certainly a new find for hubby and I. You…

make it monday the best diy,recipe , home decorand inspirational blogs to.inspire your menu, home decor,style and creativity at katherines corner
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Make It Monday Week Eighty Nine

Make It Monday Week Eighty Nine- Welcome to Make It Monday week Eighty Nine- I hope you all enjoyed a nice weekend.  It’s time for another Make It Monday filled with inspiration from last weeks Thursday Favorite Things blog hop link party. In case I don’t say it often enough, you all share the most wonderful…