memorial day monday inspiration
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Memorial Day Monday Inspirations

It’s Memorial Day here in the US, Happy Memorial Day! As I looked back through my previous Memorial Day posts I realized I have shared five Memorial Days with you here at Katherines Corner and before that one at my old site, Go Ask Katie. I have written three Memorial Day Prayers and last year…

almost everything marinade is great for grilling chicken or fish
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Almost Everything Marinade

Almost Everything Marinade- There’s still plenty of summer left to keep your barbecue going and  my almost everything marinade recipe ( wink) is great for the grill. Marinating meats is all about using an acid based ” sauce” also known as a citrus, vinegar “soak” .  Most meats fish and poultry prepared using marinades will be perfectly flavored…

how to use garlic scapes in recipes
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How to Use Garlic Scapes in Recipes

How to Use Garlic Scapes in Recipes- Last week I shared the photo (below) wondering if anyone could guess what they are. I also posted it on Instagram. you can read their guesses there too. They are garlic scapes! Have you ever heard of them? They were certainly a new find for hubby and I. You…

independence day mint and citrus water

Independence Day Safety

Independence Day Safety- Independence Day is on Monday and most of us will be starting the holiday weekend today. Many will be having barbecues, going camping, heading to the seaside and enjoying the fireworks displays. Hubby and I can see fireworks presentations from three different cities from where we live. We don’t even have to…

between the lines with katherines corner
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Between the Lines with Katherines Corner

Between the lines with Katherines Corner- The Between the Lines blog series has been a labor of love and I consider it a roaring success. I am grateful to all who participated and for all of you who took the time to get to know the beautiful and talented over 50 bloggers. There are still…