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  1. What a cute story. Purple and Aqua are my two favorite colors. I agree with you that lilac and lavender are great shades of purple. When we first moved into our home eight years ago, I painted the back splash in our kitchen “Tahitian Treat”, a beautiful, darker shade of purple that reminds me of the wine country. 🙂 I love walking into my kitchen every day and enjoying the vibrant color.

  2. What a sweet story, and what a lovely mom! She must have realized she was making a memory….. 🙂 Mine is blue, tho lately my quilting has me looking at oranges. LOL

  3. I am definitely a pink girl but that developed as I got older because I realized that color looks good on me (or maybe it looks good on me because I like it so much?). 😀
    I like all shades of pink but my fav is a corally pink.

    Blessings to you Katie!

  4. I love these posts when you tell us a little about yourself! Purple is one of my favourite colours as well. I love plummy colours and usually wear it as lipstick and nail varnish. I can imagine just how thrilled you were when your mum bought those gorgeous purple suede shoes for you! Happy days.

  5. All colors have a purpose, but my steadfast favorite is blue. Being raised on the muddy Texas coast, I always thought the color of ocean water was muddy green, impossible to see through. My first visit to a tropical coral ocean and crystal clear turquoise cemented my love of blue for oceans and blue skys, and opal stones, bluebirds…all things blue, except blue cheese.

  6. Thanks for a fun read. I have been trying to figure out when and why purple became my favorite color but can have no idea. I just know it has been my favorite for as long as I can remember, although it did get relegated to second place during my teens by red.

  7. The color green, which to me symbolizes life and growth, has always been my favorite color followed by purple. I keep a supply of green and purple Flair felt tip pens in my desk and use them for notes and correspondence. Those two colors empower me. Thanks, Katie!

Love each other as God loves you xo

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