saturday sharing katherines corner

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  1. Mmmm!! My FAVORITE cookies!! Seriously so delish!! I must make them! The flu has been so awful!! Unfortunately I just read an article saying the the worst of the bug is not the one you are vaccinated for 🙁 So sad!! I wish they had a better way of predicting which bug they will be fighting!!

  2. Happy late Saturday evening to you, Katherine! Thank you to you and the ladies and especially Amber for featuring my Readers’ Top12 Posts for 2017!!! It was exciting to see this post featured. <3

    Hopping over to read your special Miracle post above…

    Barb 🙂

  3. Those sound yummy! I have been enjoying a whole day at home alone watching Life in Pieces on Nextflix and blogging.

  4. The cookies look delicious! Yes, that flu…my younger son, husband and I all had it last week. I basically couldn’t get off the couch and bed for 5 days. The sickest I have been in a long time. I have heard this year’s flu shot is only 10 percent effective so I think a lot of people are going to get sick this year…ugh. Have a great weekend!

  5. Aw, thanks for sharing with us this Saturday. Your cookies looks so yummy. Thankfully I did get my flu shot earlier int he year, as well as both my girls and husband, too. So, fingers crossed now. Happy Saturday and hugs now xoxo <3

Love each other as God loves you xo

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