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  1. Isn’t it crazy that we aren’t in the demographics? When I did my survey last month, the majority of my followers were 50+, so we certainly are reaching people in our age group. Thanks Katherine. Blessings 🙂 Patti

    1. It is crazy! Your followers are already proof that we are being heard.Congratulations my friend. My lovely readers/subscribers are split in age range with 39 % age 50+ and 55 % 35-45 and the remaining 6% unknown. Patti your followers are a testament to the fact that we bloggers of a certain age are reaching our peers.xo

  2. Yeah, research isn’t my thing and I cringed at the thought of you doing hours of it just for us. Love that you put this together and am excited to see where it goes and grows!

  3. Aw, would love to join, but am only 40 this year. But sounds like a fun group and glad you are almost done transferring it now. Have a lovely Wednesday, Katie xoxo <3

Love each other as God loves you xo

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