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  1. Wonderful post, Katherine…sometimes I do think along these lines, but I am ashamed to say that other times my mind is preoccupied with what I must do for my work that day. Good reminder of how I *should* wake each morning!

  2. Usually the first thing I think about when I first wake up is plugging in the kettle and that first cup of tea. Mmmmmm…… I look forward to it every morning.

    It’s always good to wake up and count your blessings. I shall try to remember that tomorrow morning!

    Excellent post Katherine!
    xo Catherine

  3. I’m being honest, but this morning, I woke up with the thought of one of our cows being out. I dreampt about it and wondered if it was some kind of premonition. Fortunately, it wasn’t. .

  4. Hi Katherine. Like you, the first thing I do when I wake up is to thank the Lord for another day, for all my blessings and for giving me the health and strength to do the things I do. I am so grateful to be here to see another Season as well.

  5. You just convicted me! I should wake with praises on my lips…but I often wake crying out to God to hear our prayers..especially now with my husband unemployed. I think I would face the day better if I would begin with PRAISE! Then follow it with specifics! Thanks for the reminder….

    1. Don’t be too hard on yourself, I too have days like this. The economy have been tough for lots of us “humans”. Focusing on the smallest blessings brings His joy rushing back! It takes patience and persistence to train the mind.

      Hang in there and keep looking up!

  6. Every day that we wake is a sign of a new beginning. A new day to begin again fresh and new. Thankful for the days before, the lessons learned, the smiles of the days gone by and the hope of many more to follow. However, my very 1st thought when I wake up is sadly “where’s the coffee”. Big Tuesday Hugs to you my friend!

  7. I usually wake up with my Baily wrapped in my arms as that is how he sleeps every night…. in my arms. I snuggle him & I thank God for all I have & all I am.

  8. I always give thanks, too. Every day’s a clean slate, an opportunity to be part of the problem or part of the solution. I do my best to be part of the solution. Happy Tuesday, Katie!

  9. Hi Katherine,
    Every day I wake up I give God thanks for another day. I say my prayers, read my Daily Word and say my affirmations. After that I do some housework and spend the rest of the day pursuing my writing career. Take care and have a good day.
    Lots of Love,

  10. I always wake up with a song in my mind, and then on my lips…for hours! I don’t know why…maybe my dreams need accompaniment! LOL…but I wake up with some song or the other in my head every single day!!…Most of the time that’s great! But sometimes I just wish I could get that song….Aargh!…out of my head! ^_^

Love each other as God loves you xo

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