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  1. Amazing and generous giveaaway! Thank you for the opportunity to win any of these fine products!

    I think that tiered server would be especially nice for all my formal tea parties I host, too!

    I follow Katherine’s Corner via email.

    Have a wonderful weekend!


  2. How generous Katherine. Thanks for the chance to win.
    I have been a follower of your blog for some time and enjoy Thurs @ Katherines Corner.

  3. Okay, now that’s an awesome giveaway! Wow, you put me to shame…thanks for the fun hop, Katherine!

  4. Thank you for the opportunity. If I won the BBQ tools I would give them to my Brother who has multiple cancers, he loves to BBQ. I follow you with [email protected] Thanks for the chance to win and I liked you on Facebook.

  5. Thank you for the wonderful giveaway. I am following you on Google+.
    Username: Renee Richardson

    fattybumpkins at yahoo dot com

  6. I’m in:) I enter several ways but most important (I think:) I grabbed your giveaway button and placed it on my sidebar. Have a great weekend!

  7. Hi Katherine. I’ve ticked several of the boxes, so hopefully I will be in with a shout! What a fantastic summer giveaway my friend. I love those three dishes. Never seen anything like that before. I shall keep fingers and toes crossed!! Hugs.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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