thursday blog hop

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  1. I’m your newest follower via email – I just found your sharing party and have linked up for the first time – it’s great to read so many great blogs all at one place!

  2. Pingback: Suttons Daze | Zucchini chips!
  3. Many thanks for having me today Katherine. Hope your day is fabulous!

    Best wishes,
    Natasha in Oz

    PS Hope you can join me at my Social Media Link up on Saturday!

  4. Hi Katherine,
    I went to bed with the kids last night – very early… I almost missed your party 😀 I’m here now, linked up early Friday morning. Thanks so much for hosting each week – always a pleasure being here!
    Greetings from Australia♥ ~Pernilla

  5. Hi Katherine,

    Found you through Dear Helen Hartman. Joined you through bloglovin, couldn’t find your Google+ widget. I linked up and would like to be a co-host in the future ~

  6. Hi, sweet girl!! Thank you so much for hosting! I tried to post a comment yesterday on your earlier post about your teacher, but I never could. So here is my reply to that……..I had the very same thing happen with my grandfather. I appreciate you sharing that story. HUGSSSS

  7. After reading for months and visiting other blogs that have linked…I’ve finally made it around to linking up!! Being new to link-ups I was a little timid, but it worked!

  8. Hi Katherine, I am stopping by this week to link up my homemade cherry vanilla ice cream recipe. It’s a really nice treat for this summer heat.

    Thank you for hosting the hop. Hope you enjoy the rest of your week!

  9. Hope you are a having a great morning! I am sharing up a chicken recipe today. Thanks for hosting 🙂

  10. Thank you for hosting and just being you:) I haven’t had time to leave comments on your other posts but I have been visiting and reading:) During the time, I am making sure I have time for friends. Have a great week, my Friend.

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  12. I saw a tweet about your blog hop and thought I would stop by to look around and add my blog as well. Nice meeting you.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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