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  1. The brooch is just beautiful!! Thanks for being a part of our “Strut Your Stuff Saturday.” Hope to see you again real soon!! -The Sisters

  2. Katherine, that is a beautiful brooch! You do have an eye for vintage items and color! 🙂 That beautiful pillow is an awesome win too. You are one lucky lady! Thanks for sharing – not bragging at all. 🙂 Congrats!
    Have a great week!

  3. This is so pretty – I love vintage jewelry. I’d love to have a vintage engagement ring – something with unique personality.

  4. oh miss Katherine! the vintage jewelry is beautiful and the pillow is amazing! congrats to you and applause for Sarah! thank you for sharing and i have to go take a peek at your other store — i didn’t know about that one! see you learn something new every day!!! hugs…

  5. Katherine…that pin is gorgeous!…I so remember Sarah Coventry jewelry…my mom had some pieces, but no where to be found now…she probably gave then away…she is like that!!…

    Congrats on the win…beautiful pillow and pin and the added bonus of toffee…what a treat!

  6. My Mom had tons of Sarah Coventry and something else, the name escapes me at the moment. I think it was something like Jewel Tea?

  7. I love Sarah Coventry jewelry! I remember my mom going to the in home parties back in the early 1970’s. I still have all of the pieces that she bought and wear them frequently.

    Thanks for sharing!


  8. What a pretty pillow! Personally, I love almost any jewelry that isn’t available commercially. There’s nothing worse (to me) than walking down the street and seeing 5 other women wearing the same necklace or bracelet as me!

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