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  1. i did watch the video and i liked many features inc. being able to download recipes, add your own, e-mail recipes to others, and fill out a menu plan 😉

  2. i shared this giveaway on FB~~ Gina Fiorini Toothe, i could not get the link to come up so i tagged you in the post.

  3. I follow you by email. Please enter me in the contest. I would love to win this prize as I would be able to organize my receipes and I need a new cutting board!
    Thanks for the opportunity

  4. I follow Katherine’s Corner via email, facebook, and twitter. I love the whole idea of that Cookn’ PC Program. That would definitely be very useful to me 🙂 I have shared the giveaway on facebook, twitter, and pinterest 🙂

  5. HI, Katie

    I love this idea about storing cooking books and you can save a recipes from the internet one cookn’.


  6. Oh what an amazing giveaway!
    I’m following through linky and I just liked your page on facebook!
    Good luck to all of the participants!

  7. Hi Katherine
    I’ve been following you around like a lost puppy for sometime now. didn’t realise I wasn’t a subscriber ~ but am now. Happily placed the button image on my blog. BTW your keepsake shop is divine, and your new blog will be another on my list to follow as my eldest son is getting married next year. Engagement party in two weeks time. I’m excited.

  8. I would love to win this. I may need help in placing it on my blog, but I am very interested in posting a blog page to this awesome giveaway.

  9. What a delicious giveaway! Heehee, I’m terrible, aren’t I? 🙂 Thanks for the chance to win! I get your posts in my email inbox!

  10. I viewed the Cooking Recipe Organizer website and there are so many fabulous features of this software, that its hard to pick just one favorite! =)

    I would have to say that I really like the fact that you can save recipes from your own cookbooks and cookbooks from the interenet as my favorite feature!

  11. I follow you in my Google Reader, but I don’t remember how I signed up. 🙂 Thank you for the chance to enter!

  12. Hey there, Katherine. This is an incredible give away! I’m already an email, google plus and Linky follower. I’d love to have my name in the hat for this one.

  13. I like that it comes with 500 recipes and then over a hundred cookbooks you can access. Very cool idea.

  14. Such awesome giveaways. And after all this time, I just realized we live by each other. How fun is that :0)

  15. Wow! That software sounds amazing, and I would just love it. I think you know that I follow your blog, and Google + and on facebook, so I would be thrilled if my name could go into the hat. Great prize for us this month. Good luck everyone!

Love each other as God loves you xo

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