thursday blog hop

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  7. Hi, Katie!
    Just stopping by to say, thanks for hosting this sweet hop!! I love stopping by and checking out other’s posts every week!!

  8. Thank you so much for this party! I’ve finally gotten around to being social & following you on Pinterest & Twitter, adding you to my food & drink circle on G+ & liking you on Facebook! 🙂 Also, I’d like to invite you to come link up with me at my link party! I’d love it if you could stop by & link up some of your recipes!

  9. What a gorgeous site — did you re-do or redecorate? The header area is especially beautiful, soothing, and inviting.

    My post this week is #207, which has to do with deception, deceit, and dishonesty in this beautiful world of ours — it always throws me back when I realize just how dishonest some people, and businesses, can be, and while this initially makes me feel dumb, I think, “If they weren’t really good at making bad look good, I wouldn’t be fooled.” So, while it’s not a happy topic, it’s a good thing to keep in mind — there are nasties out there. We need to be wise, loving, and faithful

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  11. Hi Katharine-

    We’re having a great time getting back with all of the link-ups today! What a party!! Thank you again for letting us join you as a co-host. Lots of great posts and awesome people. You are a dear.

    Sharon and Denise
    Smashingly Good Living

  12. Thanks for the party. I’ll be back later in the weekend to catch up with your blog. I’ve been under the weather this week. Hope all is well with you!

  13. Just popping in to link up today. Now that I have the magazine finished for the month, I can play around with other stuff ;o) But I’m getting the June issue of Ruby started, so be sure to send me your new giveaway info, banner, and anything else you want me to include as soon as you have it ready. I’ll try to hop around to visit some of the other bloggers later this afternoon – gotta run for now, but will be back later. Love, N

  14. This is my first time, but hopefully not my only time to participate. I’ve been meaning for quite some time to join in, but managing my blogging schedule has been a challenge as of lately. Anywho, I’ll be sure to follow you and hop of to some your lovelies blogs. Be blessed!

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  16. Hi Katie,
    I was able to finish my chair transformation so that I could join your party. Thanks so much for hosting!!

  17. Happy Thursday Katie! So sorry I missed last week …. it’s been busy, busy on my end! Hope you have a great weekend and that you are getting some nice spring weather

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  19. Thank you so much for hosting! Hope you have a lovely day & a great weekend!

  20. Hi Katie! Thanks a lot for hosting again this week. Have a super blessed near-weekend!

  21. Thank you so much for hosting! What a great collection of awesome ideas and posts!
    Happy Thursday to you (although it’s only Wednesday here in the States!)

  22. Hi Katherine, I took some time today to check out your Etsy site, you have some great jewelry, especially the pearl cuff bracelet, very talented!! Hope you have a great week!

Love each other as God loves you xo

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